Puente la Reina – afternoon and evening, June 14 th.

26 Jun

The town is built around the Calle Mayor, it’s Main Street along which millions of pilgrims have made their way through and put over the six arched Romanesque bridge.

The doorway into the Iglesia de Santiago,an example of remaining Mudejar architecture. The archway has a variety of demons, professions, saints and people engaged in dubious temptation.

Santiago Beltza, the “ Black St James” black symbolising fertility and the sacredness of the earth. A male equivalent of the many Black Madonnas?

Walking on you come to the Rio Arga spanned by the Queen’s Bridge, built in the 11 th century either by Queen Dona Mayor or by her successor Estefania.

An excellent tourist office is housed on the left .
It’s a very picturesque area here.
Everything you need to know.
Calle Mayor
Craft beer after the tour of the town.
Pilgrims only!
Great place for la cena.
Keeping the Serrano cool.
A classic Spanish salad topped with Elvers.
Area de Descanso at the hotel.

A bit of time for contemplation about the Camino Frances .

For years I had rejected the idea of walking the Frances – information gained from forums and blogs reinforced the impression of crowds, commercialisation, litter – it seemed to be over hyped. It was only after a conversation with fellow camigo Rob about our need to plan a past Covid Camino – Rob had walked the Frances six years previously – that I came to accept the possibility. That, a reading of the MOON guidebook convinced me that I should enjoy the experience. It would only be two weeks worth – St Jean Pied de Port to Burgos – but the reading clinched it. And, after planning that began in November ‘21 it came to fruition now in June 2022.8 Sutton Coldfield Ramblers, including myself are joyfully on our way.

So far every morning it has felt like this

To Estella next .

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