Tag Archives: walking

Preparation for Caminho

22 Apr

I went into overdrive in my preparations,chiefly a pair of trail shoes;Roclite 295, which were recommended on a variety of searches and websites. Very pleased with them, so far.
Also some outdoor kit and blister prevention.


I am maintaining a note of training schedule and as I have a week in Northern Cyprus early next month, I shall have to now make a daily effort,particularly walking with my rucksack,laden at 7 1/2 Kg,comprised of an old Notebook computer & heavy blanket.


I intend to lighten the overall weight,prior to departure,but am conscious of having to build up some resilience in my shoulder and back. Plus,I shall be using Poles – essential downhill!

Appointment for shoulder injections has come through,at last. 17th May – which is the last day before I should need to undergo second “Pre-op” – nobody surprised by nurses’ claims of 60%
unnecessary paperwork ,but what of the 100% too much ” cover your back” NHS culture?



Tuesday,23rd April. St George’s Day – that flag has too many distasteful connotations for me.

1 1/2 hours at the allotment including walk there and back. Weeding, planting Shallots.
First mistake – do not garden,bending and kneeling, then expect a pain-free walk!
As I realised during my afternoon 6 miler,with pack.
Used new App.”WalkJogRun”- useful for different routes in the locality.
EG there are 139 suggested routes for 6 miles within a reasonable distance of my house.
Rewarded with apple, oat and pecan bar,freshly baked by my daughter, Hannah.


Just a brief note on the above title.
On last year’s Caminho,from Oporto,one of our group described us as above.
We were debating Albergues versus hotels; authenticity of pilgrims and so forth.
The consensus, as far as I can recall, was that as mainly 60+ we needed some nightly
home comforts like a shower and toilet within non-queueing distance!
I know by reading caminodesantiago.me/ forum and the like,that people have very strong and widely different views on this topic; my only conclusion to date,is that it appears the more Religous the standpoint, the more judgemental….Discernment or Value Judgement?

Finally, who gives most to Spain or Portugal’s beleaguered economies?That’s another worthy discussion point that could ease , or accelerate the passing of a few miles on foot.


I know – Mary and Joseph never had to ponder that dilemma.

Wednesday 24 th April

Am at last realising some value from my Audible subscription on my latest walks.
Just about to finish ” The Art of Fielding”,which although it is set in the milieu of American College Baseball, ( a sport ( game? ) ) I detest,has been engrossing.
Flawed characters, in-depth knowledge of a discipline; disturbing at times.Recommended to all Cricket lovers. In fact to fans of any sport.

A friend of mine,from Portugal left this YouTube link on my Facebook page today:-
EL PODER DEL CAMINO de Santiago – Trailer

TRAINING – 45 minutes in gym ,then 15 mins in Spa Pool. Short walk. Then cut grass.Exciting?

Thursday 25th April

Used the “new” App to select a local,7 mile walk. This took 2 hrs 20 minutes and felt quite comfortable; had to stop for a can of orange Lucozade at a Tesco’s, after 6 Miles.
These local walks have 2 different aspects. First, choosing roads along which I have driven many times, but never walked . Second, noticing footpaths and interesting
houses, older ones, amongst new-builds,usually half-hidden from view by hedges,or at the end of
lengthy drives.
I could have made offers on several.


Friday 26th April

Rest day! Met with one of my walking companions,for a couple of beers. As well as the June
Caminho, we think that we might possibly walk Oporto to Santiago de Compostella in September.

Saturday 27 th April

The family are bemused by the seemingly regular arrival of little packages in the post; this morning
I received a packet of moleskin anti- blister pads, from the USA.
The States seem to produce a ranges of walking/ running aids that are impossible to obtain here,
even on the ubiquitous Amazon. For example,”HikeGoo” ! Great name,highly recommended…but.


Completed 9 mile walk, mainly in Sutton Park. Bright sunshine, brisk breeze at times and one
Blustery shower. A couple of vivid coloured birds ( Nutthatch ?) and some Shetland ponies grazing.
Came out at Four Oaks Gate; took bus back home.

Sunday 28 th April

Eventually went to gym in the afternoon.
Did a longer session than planned, as I was cycling, watching Warwickshire ( my county) frustrate
Somerset in a County Championship game; last wicket partnership held out for ever.
Beats 20/20 Every-time. Why?
If you watch the India based IPL, which I do, from time to time ; on a positive note there are cricketers from all continents playing together , as loosely assembled guns for hire.
Then, coverage on ITV3 , has seasoned cricketers, well past their best( if they ever had a best),chaired by the mandatory eye – candy!
Every time a wicket falls, or a 6 is scored ( which a…e came up with ” A Maximum!) , we get mandatory shots of dancers ,who make ” Pan’s People ” look like the “maximum”!
And shots of spectators, waving frenetically at the camera.Then there’s the adverts….
As Barney Ronay, in the Guardian put it, on Saturday:-
” unwitting instruments of creeping, global moronism”. Think I’ ll have it on my tombstone, but
substituting “victim” for “instrument”. Suffering a ” Grumpy Old Man” moment!


Tuesday 30th April

7 mile walk ( with pack ) in Sutton Park, with my daughter, Hannah. O.K

Wednesday 1st May

Wonderful,old English folk song-300 years old?
But it was that kind of day.

Spent 2 1/2 hours digging in garden &; planting,
then to hospital for CTC Scan on my back.

Thursday 2 nd May

AM,attended a funeral of old school friend, who had died after a long illness.
Very High Anglican – struck by lyrics and readings which contain so many references
to the countryside and by association, walking. For example, this line from the first hymn:-
” When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.”

And from the Book of Ecclesiastes:-

” There is a time for everything…

a time to scatter stones and to gather them”

Reminded me of the custom practised by many on the Caminho of bringing a stone from
home and placing it in a significant place en route.

” a time to plant and a time to uproot”

I shall not be carrying a stone but a packet of seeds given to me especially to sow along the Way.
( See image at the foot of this post copyright Bro. David)

TRAINING :- 7 miles in Sutton Park, glorious weather but as I was out of sync with my
painkillers,so I felt it in my back towards the end.”Turn,Turn,Turn…”


Sunday 5 th May

10 miles with pack along the Fazeley canal into town,on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Relief; their
Annual charity walk. V. Enjoyable and apart from having to sit for an hour on the cast iron seats
on the balcony of the Malt Shovel Pub, opposite the N.I.A, felt really good.Great views of the canal,
in the hub of Birmingham’s rather over-inflated view of itself as a tourist hotspot!
Pity the service in the Pub didn’t match it- the live Jazz was relaxing and mellow.

Last serious training, I should think , before flying to N.Cyprus on Wednesday.

Am providing dinner for our Portugal Caminoists tomorrow evening,after a route planning meeting;
Will we be any the wiser? Am not a gambling man!
