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Last Steps to Santiago de Compostella – Friday 13 th September

13 Sep

Friday 13 th September ( continued )

Said I was not superstitious, then WordPress start messing up, so I hope this new post works.

20130913-164813.jpg Warnings about fires in the region.

Looking back at Vigo.

20130913-164924.jpg a little early for a Cerveja, high hopes for later, though.

20130913-165052.jpg Mussel Beds in the Ria.

20130913-165141.jpgImpressive Suspension Bridge.

Lining up the bags for entry to the Albergue, in Redondela.

This is the ritual for Albergues on the Caminhos; they open in the afternoon, so you put your kit down as you arrive. Then you are let in by the Hospitalero – lecture on rules and regs – then sign in with both your pilgrim passport and your ordinary ID.Pay your € 6.00 and in you go.
I am only staying in the Albergue because there is little alternative accommodation in Redondela, despite its size and it is a very pleasant, riverside place.
I got a bottom bunk (. 20 bunks in this Dorm which is mixed; hope it doesn’t t get full ).You have to be back by 10 pm and out the next morning, by 8 a m.bear in mind it does not get light this time of year until 7.30 a m.

20130913-170343.jpg very good shower facilities, etc.
Had best Bocadillo of the Walk so far, for lunch.


20130913-170613.jpgThat is the albergue.
Redondela is famous for its 19 th Century Railway Arches.


20130913-170812.jpg Looking down at a very shallow river bed but huge fish in abundance.


20130913-170951.jpg Now being Friday, something that size with a few chips would make a great dinner.

Finally, St James again, despoiling the Moors.

Finally remembered to share a few of the Stand-Out tracks I have listened to en route, so far:-

“One More Cup of Coffee” Roger McGuinn with CALEXICO
“Just A Song Before I Go ” Crosby and Nash
“I Still Believe ” Danny & The Champions of the World”
” Shiver” Giant Sand ( Remix )
” The Sexual Loneliness of Jesus Christ ” Jackie Leven
“Chicken Wire” Joe Pernice
“Lowlands” Oysterband
” The Lower Road” Thea Gilmore ( featuring Joan Baez )
“Until the Led” Vic Chesnutt
“It Will Be a Good Day ( The River ) Yes

Hope it’s a good day tomorrow, too!

Saturday 14th September

I have mentioned the Pilgrim Passport, or Credencial,so here is a photo and also a snap of the pages with stamps collected from various places along the Caminho.You must have at least one stamp per day to obtain your special certificate of completion, in Santiago.


20130914-183328.jpg It is reassuring to start seeing the Galician way marks; they occur regularly with distances to go measured to three decimal points.

20130914-183505.jpgFinal view of the Rias, as the Caminho moves inland.

20130914-183638.jpg First time I have seen anyone using the old, village community laundry!

20130914-183751.jpg The sun was right behind me.

20130914-183902.jpg About to cross a famous bridge in The history of Spanish Independence; when I was here 15 months ago, it was raining and a Portuguese girl, Gilda, took my photo – still hear from her on Facebook.

20130914-184133.jpg A view down the Estuary.

20130914-184303.jpgThe scenery changes to Vines and far- off mountains – I hope they stay far off.This is a wonderful walk, with old lanes, ancient barns and occasional glimpses of people actually up and about.I had been walking for three hours since a cup of coffee at 7.30 am, and was grateful to come upon this bit of diversification into an impromptu Cafe, where I ordered a pot of tea and was given the chance to make my own Jamon Serrano Boccadillo.


20130914-184941.jpgStopped at this tiny chapel, dedicated to St Marta, where I had this taken under a typically Galician Cruceiro.

20130914-185226.jpgFound my hotel easily and after a shower and ritual washing of the socks, top and shorts, had a semi, self-guided tour of Pontevedra, the Provincial capital and historically important stage in the Portuguese Caminho.


20130914-185617.jpgThis is the Santuario de Pelegrina and its floor plan is the shape of a shell.

20130914-185751.jpgThis Lemon Tree was providing some shade as I stopped for a cooling Tinto Verano in the Praza Teucro. There are a good number

of inviting squares in Pontevedra.

20130914-190036.jpg Saturday afternoon is very quiet, unlike England , most shops close all afternoon and it was quite deserted.
From 7 pm families begin to emerge, eating ice cream and doing the Paseo.Ciaou.

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