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Caminho Portuguese – Coastal Route

11 Aug

11th August 2013

Planned arrival by Ryanair, Stansted to Oporto, Thursday, 6th August.
Returning on Wednesday 18 th September
Last two weeks – most of 13 nights’ accommodation booked – Hannah produced it all on Excel spreadsheet.
Also purchased a new camera – entry level Fuji 4500 S – majority of favourable, independent reviews. Just getting to terms with it.
On recent walks, have used the I-Pad, whose photo quality is good and has the added advantage of being to upload photos to the Blog simply. However,this convenience is countered during the actual walk, having to stop, unload I-Pad, shoot, then replace the I-Pad in map carrying case I have attached to my rucksack , chest strap.
Over a day, this does become tiresome.I hope that using the camera will save the fiddling about!
It will mean carrying an additional lead to upload to,the I-Pad in the evening, but I plan to arrive in plenty of time to allow for that.

Meanwhile, have to balance the demands of my allotment and the England V Australia Test Matches, with the need to start training – walks, carrying a full rucksack.
Not filled with my kit, but an old laptop and a blanket, which amounts to a fraction more than I intend to carry.

14 th August

Bit the bullet and commenced training walks, this morning.
Filled rucksack to 11+ KG ( heavier than I intend to take ),
Plus new camera around neck.
Soon realised camera straps would need shortening.

Walked 7 1/2 Miles approx. with a stop at the Sutton Park Bistro for coffee,
after 90 minutes.Park was very quiet and the sunny weather made for a
very pleasant return to walking.


15 th August

One hour in the gym from 9AM; steam room and Spa.
Don’t think I would go to the gym without the ” afters”!

PM – two hours planting Brassicas at plot, still managing to
fill up buckets of weeds; you only notice them when your nose is at ground level.
Then netted them , to keep pigeons at bay


16th August

Rainy morning so time taken to purchase Apple I-Pad camera connection kit.
It works really well and at £ 26.00 it b……y well ought to!
Looking at DSLR Camera courses for the Autumn,plenty online,
but I think I would need a tutor hands on.Not after a certificate, just a couple
of days introductory sessions.
PM, great improvement in the weather,so taking advantage of newly acquired
National Trust membership, took off for Whightwick Manor, near Wolverhampton.

Visited the Manor, mainly a 19th Century edifice built by Liberal Manders family.
Links to William Morris – beautiful wallpaper, fabric designs.
Kempe Stained glass.
An Arts and Craft House!
Pre-Raphaelite paintings.
The Victorian gardens are fascinating – well they would be to me!

Then a 5 mile walk across fields and along the Shropshire Canal.
Terminating at the Mermaid Inn – quirky name for a pub 5 miles down the road from
Molineux and over a 100 from the sea!
Lovely pint of Aspalls cider, though.


17 th August

To Garden Organic,Ryton-On-Dunsmore, of which I am a member, for their Chilli and Exotic Food
Day. Tour of the grounds, always lots to interest, whenever and whatever season I visit.

Had to buy a Chilli Plant,of course:-

Then some of their special Heritage Seeds for next year.

No real intention to “Walk” today. 20 – 20 Finals on TV, too much of a distraction, then out to
friend’s 66th Birthday Party – Will have to atone for that, tomorrow I am sure!

18 th August
7 mile walk, with full pack, using the “Walk,Jog,Run” App.
Shoulders and neck felt the strain until the last 2 miles, when I readjusted the straps after
a short break in the Newhall Valley.

After a sandwich and a shower, at home,off to Kings Heath Park Open Afternoon in the area that was used for “Gardeners’ Weekend”,council cuts are bringing that to a close,sadly.The improved weather added to the pleasure of enjoying this horticultural oasis,in the midst of one of Birmingham’s oldest parks. Then tea in the Victorian former home of the Russell family, whose name is replicated locally in streets and road signs.

After what amounted to at least another two miles walkabout, popped in to see grandson Jude.


20th August

7 miles using the “Walk,Jog!Run” App. which took me to Minworth, joining the canal at the
Boat Inn, on to the Tyburn House, up the Chester Road homewards – the last 2 miles are upwards.

I really felt it! Not helped by forgetting a water bottle and not stopping!
Must walk again tomorrow to get a Back to Back – excuse the pun – experience.
It is the shoulder areas that I need to concentrate on – legs not a problem.


21 st August

6 & 3/4 miles around Sutton Park,today,including two good hills.
Back in time for the opening over of the Fifth Test Match.
Later, the usual fretful palaver whist downloading Boarding Pass from Ryanair for
flight to Porto on 5 th Sepember.


24th August

Family get together for a couple of days, so only a 4 mile pushchair walk with grandson,Tom Henry,yesterday.
This morning 7 miles in Sutton Park. Have shortened main straps on pack which improved the positioning, making it more aligned with my back.
Going to Villa Park to see Aston Villa versus Liverpool, courtesy of a season ticket loan from a friend.Mainly looking forward to,seeing Steven Gerrard, such a ” Natural” athlete and fine footballer.How Liverpool manage to defend against Benteke should be critical.


Monday 26 th August

The “Bank “Holiday and for once weather to match!
Maybe we should give some thought to renaming these Public Mondays, as they reflect undeserved credit on the banks- no pun intended.
Training resumed , with a 7 mile hike around Sutton Park, pausing just after midway for coffee at the Blackroot Pool Bistro – what a gold mine that is! Good coffee and service.

Will try to get four more walks in before departure, next week.

Tuesday 27 th August

One hour in the Gym, followed by steam room and a languish in the Spa Pool.Reward!

PM, a couple of hours weeding, hoeing and finally picking some beans and leaves.Cycled there and back, too.Like to think it all contributes to my fitness level.

Wednesday 28 th August

PM 6 1/2 miles in Sutton Park; very enjoyable.
Listened to Bob Dylan at a time when he was trying to escape his “Saviour of a generation”role,
on the newly released ( yesterday ) , Volume X of Bob Dylan Bootleg Series:-
” Another Self Portrait ” , 2 discs set that I had pre-ordered at Amazon.The bonus now is that
you get all the tracks “free” , as MP 3s through I-Cloud, as well!
So I-Pod and away.Very Catholic range of tracks, live from the Isle of Wight right through to
previously unreleased out- takes of classics, like “New Morning”. Loved it…


Then emptied rucksack of the overload I have been training with and packed all my gear, with the exception of a two pairs of Trekmate socks for which I am awaiting an imminent delivery…sounds like giving birth!
What a difference 3 KGs lighter makes – any further walks will be at this weight – 10 KGs.

Friday 30 th August

Having had a two way split of a day yesterday :- buying and setting up new I-Phone and then
a slog at the allotment – time to get back to walking.

The difference in a 3 KG lighter load pack was most noticeable and I managed 7 miles around the local suburbs , this time. Then down to Sutton Coldfield to “E E” to change our WI – FI and phone line to them.Two main reasons, using Orange and E E tok them over along with T-Mobile,recently and the promised,much improved WI-FI service.Probably take a few days to be rearranged.

Sunday 1st September

“Now it is the autumn and the falling fruit and the long, long journey towards oblivion”
I hope that is a verisimilitude of Gerard Manley Hopkins ‘ verses.
Doubtless, someone better read than I will disabuse me….
So, today, to Coughton Court, Southern Warwickshire – a journey along the A 435 to
various cricket fixtures in the 70 s – but I wasn’t a member of the National Trust then!
The Throckmorton Family, Catholic and quite insurrectionist for their time,including links to the
Gunpowder Plot. Quite understated in terms of possessions, but still landed gentry.
Really enjoyed the House, yet overall I feel I am capitulating to a middle – class envy of our betters.

Then an underestimated circular 8 mile walk – details on the”Walkingworld” website.
Great site for all kinds of walks; very reasonable annual,sub.

So we felt we deserved our couple of beers at the Virdoo Lounge and a curry at “”Lime” later, even got the bus back at once -quicker than a taxi!

PS Just to clarify any confusion, internationally, this is Coughton Court, not the Curry house!

Monday 2 nd September

Downloaded the Boarding Pass off Ryanair for the return flight from Santiago de Compostella.
You always feel a sense of victory, getting over their ludicrous, scavenging hurdles!
Then to Shrewsbury by train to have lunch with my sister,Penny and brother-in- law Don, on a sunny terrace overlooking the the River Severn, at the Gateway Centre.
This is the final entry for this post, I think.
Will begin a new post for the Caminho, in a couple of days time.
