19 Jun
We left at 07.30 and made a short 300 metre stroll to Bar La Galicia for Desayuno .

It was shortly after 08.00 when we began the way proper. As usual, the group divided into a solo, 2 pairs and a foursome – each according to their wishes or needs. These mini groups would often meet up along the way,more usually at refreshment stops.

The stage between Arzúa and O Pedrouzo is of low difficulty, it goes along forest tracks, crossing woods and fields. A day though in which we must take extreme precautions, as we will have to cross the N-547 road several times, with heavy traffic. We will walk on flat and comfortable terrain, finding plenty of bars and places to rest, perfect to take the stage calmly. Santiago is getting closer and closer.

After 5 km we reached
Taberna Velha, and we walked past “ The Wall of Wisdom “
And many similar “ Bon mots”
After about 3 hours walking I stopped at Bar O Lino and caught up with Christina
Pineapple cake and Americano – €3.80 – perfecto.
Guess who’s flower of the day?
Richard gets a warm welcome.
The Guardia Civil on horseback – modern day KnightsTemplars – looking after Pelegrinos.
His poncho looks a bit tatty.
Shortly after leaving the bar it began to rain and this time we had all remembered our ponchos.
Don’t let the grass grow under your feet!

Steady rain for the rest of the saunter through woods and criss crossing the N 547 – a camera is fiddly work whilst wearing a poncho and the dreary weather, although it did not inspire much in the way of taking photos,did not detract from the enjoyment of the Camino; plus the growing realisation that 12 miles no longer meant so much of a challenge!

The rain began to ease as we neared our accommodation for today – Alojiamentos Rurales O Acrivo – after a quick check- in Mike and I made our way to our room.
An altogether welcoming place in delightful grounds and…it stopped raining.

( Thanks to Christina for some of the photos)

The forecast for our last day’s saunter tomorrow- Thursday – is looking brighter and drier for Santiago de Compostela.z

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