18 Jun
I love the China cups with lids that you have for a tea negra.

Marker post at the beginning of today’s stage.

A Lavadero with the stream running through to rinse the washing
A number of little Rios today

Some shelter from a shower.

A classy Horreos
A Fuente with classic twin church bell tower in the distance
Christina’s mystery rose donor again
Cloudy ahead but mild
An imposing gateway and a decorated Mojon
Valley View – However, the weather was not as bad as it looks and it was here that I was passed by two pilgrims pushing a paralysed man in a kind of portable stretcher- they were jogging and backed up by a team of four – you had to applaud. It reminded me of the film “ I’ll Push You “ that came out a few years back – a heartwarming account of pushing a friend all the way to Santiago. Probably available on YouTube .
Explanation of photo below
The bridge at Ribadiso – the original pilgrim hospital has been restored- a beautiful place.
Just off the main road to Arzúa
Welcome to Arzua
This is opposite our hotel – El Cima do Logo – on the Camino
A beer and tortilla whilst waiting to check in
Sunshine not storms on the patio off our room
Christina’s picnic lunch on the patio with Mike & myself “ Bon Provecho” y Muchas Gracias

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