DAY XI – FROM PALAS DE REI TO MELIDE – a relaxed eight miles ðŸ¤£

18 Jun
Mike and I had a good breakfast in the cafeteria of ALBERGUE Valin Lamas, on the outskirts of Palas de Rei.
About 15 km of those to walk today.
As I mentioned some time ago, I walked from Sarria to S de C 20,years ago this month – we stayed in this hotel – now up for sale, one of the few places I really remembered so far!
Eucalyptus trees are everywhere in Galicia
A timeless village scene, complete with an authentic Horreos – San Xulian do Camino
Statue of St James on the church wall.
I got a stamp in the village church – I have run out of pages in my pilgrim passport ( Credencial) – now using the cover.
You have to obtain 2 stamps a day in Galicia – I should have just about room.
Whose reflection is in the window of a house exiting the village?
More grey skies today but considerably warmer
Val and Ray – sister & brother on the Camino
St James holding my walking poles.
Characterful statues in an ornamental garden en route.

Excellent legend about this church – link below:

This little store served the same purpose as a horreos
Bag break on the Camino
Myra checking out the bar menu with Val desperate to get inside!
My daughter Hannah will be delighted to see this badge as it is the emblem of a Birmingham charity close to her heart.
The Ponte Velha – The bridge leading into Furelos, a village with Camino links dating back to the 12th century and the hospitaliers of San Juan.
The River Furelos
Horreos for sale – I would love it in my garden.
Not that keen on its replacement
Mural on entering Melide.
Caminos de Europe – on the wall of our lodging for tonight – Pension San Anton – Melide
No plug hole in this state of the art bathroom

Christina taking advantage of the facilities.

Tonight’s dinner menu
We enjoyed a different kind of menu tonight.

One Response to “DAY XI – FROM PALAS DE REI TO MELIDE – a relaxed eight miles ðŸ¤£”

  1. slodown 18/06/2024 at 05:57 #

    You’ll need a new Pilgrim Passport John!

    Great facilities at alburge!

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