17 Jun
This is a very enjoyable town to visit – a credit to its rebuilding.

Building the new Portomarin,early 60s

Splendid display on the way down to the bridge
Lots of youngsters on their way
Fortunately they pressed on and we never saw them again – it is taking some time for us to adjust to the increased numbers since Sarria. Apart from Spanish groups there are large numbers of South Koreans and Japanese pilgrims too – all very cheery in their Camino gear!
Classic example of a Horreos
An eye catching colour combination
Good conditions underfoot – a dreary sky was a disappointment- we were expecting sunshine. A big mistake!
Very impressive cafe at Gonzar
The Saint
Much later on we caught up with Christina where she was presented with a second rose – a white one this time – a friendly Peregrino she claimed .
Rob looking at what were becoming very threatening clouds
Meanwhile, some Camigos were better prepared than others
After her rosy presentation we noticed that it was pouring down with rain – we were poncholess having believed the earlier forecast; Christina,ever the pragmatist
,asked the young lady behind the bar for a bin liner and fashioned herself a “ poncho”. Not to be outdone I followed suit – if that’s the right description! No matter, they did the job.
The designer herself, still,with rose in hand.
Onwards, onwards to Palas de Rei
Probably the brightest element in the whole town – let’s just say we won’t t be hurrying back any time soon.
We did have an excellent Menu del Dia though €13.50 a head
And the soup was back on the menu,plus a good choice of Postres – desserts – which our hard working waitress announced later.
The night was completed with a few of us watching the England V Croatia game in a nearby bar.

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