10 Jun
Grim Reaper?

Split decision this morning as some of the group wanted to walk the entire Etape and some wanted to take a taxi to Ponferrada- 6 km – and tour the Templar Castle. So be it and I was in the latter group which was quickly taken to Ponferrada. On climbing up to the castle entrance we discovered that it was closed Mondays! I wasn’t too disappointed as I have often found that the exterior of castles, like French chateaux, more interesting than the interior and often gone inside out of a sense of duty rather than curiosity.There was the barrio historico to compensate and a needed ATM found in the new town. Whilst waiting ,we saw on the Pharmacia clock that it was 18* ( 09.00 ). Tom disputed this saying it wasn’t that warm because the hairs on his legs were still upwards! Tom, out human barometer.

Templar Castle Ponferrada

We retrieved our steps and met up with the other group coincidentally,in one of the squares. Second breakfast time.

The flèches are found in/on all sorts of places. Time to be moving on.

We walked out of Ponferrada along a pleasant path by the side of the river.

Pilgrim friendly place
Old Power Station now a Museum of industry
Looking back atop of the only hill today.

Walking on to Columbrianos and its hermitage.

The way is well marked as ever
Las huertas – allotments
Amazing front garden
Flying the flag
Lunch enjoyed at the very pilgrim friendly El Medina
Sympathetic grounds and gardens
Relishing the shade
Christina taking the lead
Vineyards of the Bierzo region
The good things to be enjoyed here as we later discovered
A region not well known outside of Spain- we were later able to attest to the quality….of the wine.
Taking in the shade just before Cacabelos.
A welcome glass and publicity shot of the ,wine of the week at our wonderful hotel just after we checked in .

Some of the views and some of the Pelegrinos:-

Don’t step on my blue suede shoes..!
Cerezas ripening
In a valley surrounded by Sierras – a really productive area – Bierzo.

Then our digs for the night - El Monclao de Lazaro – unique.

Spacious and green
Local goats’ cheese and relishes
Bollito – look away if you are not a fan of the pig! Delicioso.
Highly recommended.

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