13 miles to Carrion de Los Condes,with a pleasant walk alongside the River Ucieza.

19 May

We enjoyed a good buffet breakfast this morning, Ranjit on the coffee, before setting out for Carrion de Los Candes – 13 miles,or so.

Walking alongside a quiet local,road on purpose made paths – Roman style.

La Huerta – a Spanish allotment

My lettuce are further on , we’ll they were when I left home.
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=7A76lTte8qE&feature=share. “ OLD FRIENDS” by Simon and Garfunkel
Having walked this way before Rob suggested the quieter more rural route
Another church tower, another Stork’s nest.
Wild flowers galore
Classic Medieval Pelegrino
At Villovieco we came across an unexpected pilgrim refreshment opportunity
Coffee, biscuits and cake.
Tom versus Ranjit at ping-pong
Good job it wasn’t Pelota!
The River Ucieza – a welcome green corridor
A glorious riverside display
A reminder that the Meseta was just over the bridge, but we weren’t going that way
More glimpses of the river
A tiny Hermitage
Another Hobbit hole Bodega by the side of the main road into Vllalcazar de Sirga
Guess who’s up on the belfry?
Beautiful archway of Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca which was probably used as a fortress at times. Some of us were blessed with a little lunchtime treat here – Morcilla😇
That should get us through the last six kilometres
Hands on with Mayor
Glad we have only six more KM to go….
CARRION de Los CONDES – 2 KM away.
A welcome sign
An invitation to a tour of signs and smells….I think.
Just before our “ digs” for tonight
Our Lady On High. Carrion is a wonderful town – such a range of Camino related buildings etc. https://www.carriondeloscondes.org/ for more excellent information.

At last, the sun shone consistently and the wind dropped. A long stage tomorrow of 17 KM without much infrastructure and so Mike,Ranjit and I went to the supermarket to enable our progress tomorrow. After dropping off the shopping we headed back to the Plaza Mayor to sit in the evening sunshine with a couple of beers.

Mike borrowed my buff to keep the sun off.
Nuts in May
Tom chatting to an Australian couple we met yesterday after a great meal in La Corte restaurant attached to our “digs”.

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