16 May

5.30 taxi to Birmingham Airport and a fairly efficient route through check-in with help from an

Assistant as the machine would not read my barcode!

However RYANAIR app did the trick.

Security took a little longer but we soon comfortably seated in the “ Spoons” where I treated myself to Eggs Benedict and limitless coffee. All the group were refreshed and after a trip to Boots we found our Gate and were seated efficiently on Ryanair 08.35 flight to Barajas Airport,Madrid.

An uneventful flight and after disembarking found ourselves in a long queue through security, casting envious glances at the rapidly disappearing EU passport holders,including Rob,proudly brandishing his Irish passport.

Another BREXIT benefit but at least we were in charge,confirmed by the fact that the UK had exceeded record numbers of migrants….Still, the Braverman witch was saying we don’t need to import fruit pickers – we can train our own .

There she goes …if only.

I wonder how many days,weeks or years it takes to train to be a fruit picker. Perhaps you get the same elevated status of someone who can make a cup of coffee who then call the selves “ Baristas”.

Synonyms for “ fruit picker “ are notoriously rude so don’t go calling yourself a “wenatcheebanana” !

Getting back on track we eventually found the transfer bus from Terminal 1 to Terminal 4 and the newly designed Barajas bus station.

Let the light in …

Very light and spacious, however, unusually for Spain, no cafe/ bar, but well stocked vending machines even though the group found the sandwiches rather bland. Fortunately, my accountant had prepared a Ramblers style picnic for which I was very grateful.

The weather looked fine from our viewpoint in the departures hall and Ranjit, one of our group on his first Camino disappeared for a few moments, only to return in a very fetching pair of shorts and t-shirt. I had to remind him we were going to Burgos not Benidorm but we all admired his optimism. Perhaps it was well founded because the forecast for our first day’s walking destination tomorrow,Hontanas’ is set at 16* and sunny – ideal walking conditions

There was a little confusion at the departure bays as there were two buses departing simultaneously.

How I miss driving in Spain.

Both via Burgos and it was far from obvious which was which until we started to board the wrong one ! The joys of travelling independently. ALSA buses

We had hardly travelled for five minutes when the coach approached the barrier to the Autovia, a coach in front moved through and just we were about to do the same, the brakes were jammed on suddenly….the barrier had managed to wedge itself between the drivers side wing mirror and the bodywork of the coach. Two female employees started rushing in and out of the booth and achieving precious little…I expect this was a “ first”. After a wait of fifteen minutes or so assistance appeared in a van with a man. After a few light hearted exchanges with our somewhat surly driver, he pressed something and the barrier lifted, the bus reversed a metre or so,the barrier was tested twice and then thankfully were were able to continue our journey northwards.

Whoops a daisy !

About 90 KM from Burgos there was a hold up on the road by the Guardia Civil – diverted into one lane- with guys holding serious weapons – I’m pretty sure they weren’t checking for insurance. No photos for obvious reasons.Not too long a delay and we were off again.

Tom got us to our Digs – Hotel Norte y Londres – pleasant check in and within half an hour we were in Bar Aguilas where Ranjit recounted his problems booking in down the road, but with only 200 metres to walk to our chosen restaurant for the evening – something to do with Blacksmith’s).

Stained glass mural in the hotel lobby

A pilgrim friendly menus for €17.00 , 3 courses plus wine and bread and a choice of ten starters and mains – rustic cooking at its best and to complete the night a dessert of Arroz con Leche. Muy Buen.

Something related to Blacksmiths

Somebody had the idea of a “ digestif” and so we called in at Los Aguilas again. Whilst deliberating on what to drink the waitress held a bill for 3 unpaid beers earlier on! A total oversight that they accepted good humouredly.After all, if we had done a runner we would not have some back!

A good night in Burgos.

Walking tomorrow.

The best G/T s are served in Spain 🤧 Salud


  1. slodown 17/05/2023 at 02:23 #

    Thanks for an entertaining read John. The start was a great account. Buen Camino Derm 👍🏼🙏🏼

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