A Climb Up to Monte Victoria and a Walk Down to the Sea Sunday 29 th January 2023

30 Jan
The prospect from the apartment this morning.
Penny emerging complete with sun visor.

Walking up towards the start of the climb we passed an eye stopping house decorated by someone with a lot of bottle.

It was already warmer than forecast as we moved towards the Olletas district and signs of Spring.

A view of Malaga from ( nearly )the top. Penny could make out a plane landing with the help of her Bins.
Oxalis emerging.

A lot of this area is walled off and behind which is the Diocesan Seminary

Unfortunately we were not able to get this close but as we clambered upwards we could hear the strains of a band practice from within the compound.
Manuel Gonzalez Garcia González Wikipedia gives a lengthy and impressive account hi ministry,including details of his appointments,including the Bishopric of Malaga and his founding of the Seminary in 1919.
Originally the northern area of the mount was covered by an
oak grove (of which there are still remains in the upper part) while the rest was occupied by
scrub .
Its slopes were used for cultivation, mainly
vines and
olive groves , but after being abandoned, in times of rain the neighboring neighborhoods became quagmire, which is why during the 1940s the mountain was repopulated with Aleppo pines (
Pinus halepensis ) by the
town halltogether with other neighboring mountains.
There are still some holm oaks in the upper part of the northwest face. WIKIPEDIA
Windswept Aleppo Pines on the lower slopes
Finger post pointing towards where we began the descent.
Vibrant shrub and more colourful flowers.

The final part of the descent is along a paved pathway.

And within minutes we were on terra firma heading towards the New port.
Penny,Brid and Matt in front of the pedestrian tunnel under the castle
A water feature.

Jardines de la Puerta Oscura – this is a lovely area – thoughtful conservation and radical modern design.

Pleasingly tranquil,most of the Malaguenos were walking along the harbour front
The Centre Pompidou
Time for coffee,water and olives
With excellent views
The ferry to Melilla Morocco
Mandatory yacht complete with helipad – Flag displayed Georgetown

We then walked towards the lighthouse

A plan of the Muellena. We walked back along the “ Palm grove of Surprises” with plenty of buskers for musical accompaniment
The aforementioned Pine trees
Passing by the side of the Cathedral
Orange trees to admire for those queuing to enter the Cathedral – we hope to visit later in the week
Back home after our seven mile saunter it was time for respite
Matt catching the rays . What a great Sunday stroll.

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