20 th June. Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado and a very civil meeting with the Guardia Civil.

1 Jul
Another facet of the Guardia Civil’s new image – we had noticed them occasionally patrolling the Camino – the 21st Century version of the Knights Templar?

Leaving Santo Domingo by way of the Santo Domingo y Ermita bridge.

After crossing the bridge, we noticed a block on what appeared to be a simple country road and it was being patrolled by the Guardia Civil. Any trepidation we may have felt was soon dispelled as a smiling officer approached, wishing us good morning and asking how we were! Then he and his colleague indicated the Way which was now off the road – “ Buen Camino”.
One of the original Camino waymarks with scallop shell intact.

After six KM or thereabouts we reached Granon and another memorable coffee stop. The first sights to arrest the attention – Camino murals – which drew us up to an imaginatively and conveniently situated cafe.

A population of about 250 persons but inhabited since Celtiberian times – remains from 2000 years ago have been discovered here. We discovered this permanently placed van doubling up as a well stocked cafe.
Granon struck us as a friendly,peaceful place set as it is amongst rolling hills and arable land.
The only “high” point for miles…
An ingenious way to transfer your Mochilla.
Inside the Iglesia de San Juan Batista there was a florally decorated tableau to mark the feast of Corpus Christi.
Entering the Province of Burgos and a reminder that our camino’s end was approaching.
What moronic impulses drove some dork to deface a signboard?
We entered the small hamlet of Viloria de Rioja,birthplace of Santo Domingo de la Calzada in 1019.
The Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion – much and randomly rebuilt- originally a Romanesque church.Inside is the allegedly, original Baptismal font used to baptise Santo Domingo. The village tradition is to return here,no matter where a person is living,to baptise one’s children from the same font as Santo Domingo’s. Sadly the church was closed.
Leaving Viloria de Rioja.
“ How much further!? “ Asks June. Not far now.
Slightly further on and an advertisement for our accommodation. Cocina Communitaria sounds promising.
And what welcoming venue it was.
This way to Reception.
Mary took the plunge.
A shady terrace
We dived into these!

HOTEL A SANTIAGO – probably one of the best stops on the Camino. And the community evening meal was as good as advertised.

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