14 Jun
Just over ten miles of both climbs and descents to undertake as we set off from Orisson at 07.30 in brilliant sunshine. The views were spellbinding,unravelling at every turn in the track.
The mist being burnt off.

Horses roam freely up here – provisions for the still flourishing French horsemeat trade.

Newly born foal being taught the Green Cross Code.
There are no permanent facilities up here,but there may be a pop up van.
He just pops over from the nearby border with Spain, you can tell that because the prices are so reasonable.

At this point you leave the narrow road and continue the ascent on well worn tracks

Heading towards the highest point
The border crossing in to Navarre ( Spain ). Wish all borders were like this.
Eventually, the track descends for a long way to Roncesvalles
Most of the walking has been done either on grass verges or grass itself.
Another horse with no name!
Roncesvalles in the far distance.
Getting ever closer
Almost there
If something differentiates
Roncesvalles from other neighbouring towns, it is its history, its legends, and for being the place chosen by pilgrims to start
the Camino de Santiago, known as the French Way.
I was surprised by how small this town in
the Navarrese Pyrenees is , it only has 30 inhabitants for the importance it has in history and the number of visitors who pass by every day.
Settled on the Ibañeta pass and the last town in the Auñamendi region, it was
a passageway used since prehistory to enter the Iberian Peninsula. But the really important thing is their constructions.
What most impresses when arriving at this
town, a shelter for walkers and a meeting place for cultures, is its medieval monumental artistic ensemble such as the Collegiate Church, the tomb of King Sancho VII, the Fort and the old pilgrim hospital.

https://images.app.goo.gl/EPZo55kJ7qGupFEG8 Use this link for lots more information about Roncesvalles.

Hotel Roncesvalles a very pleasant stay and dinner.
Another great day on the Camino Frances and the amazing Pyrenees are now behind us – unforgettable.
And it’s good night from him.


  1. Arlèna 14/06/2022 at 15:16 #

    Your blog brings back so many memories of the two Camino Francés I walked in 2012 and 2013. Maybe it is time for me to revisit the Francés! I’ve walked many Camino Portugués, the Inglés, and the Costa da Morte. Yes, I think there is yet another Camino in my future!

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