Sauntering along the coast at Cabanos into the hills with Sutton Rambleros.

16 Sep

It has been a busy few days on the Camino, to the extent that I got rather behind with the Blog! On arrival, time seems to be taken up with reconnoitering the restaurant for the evening meal, checking on the way out and chatting to Pelegrinos, often over a beer.

Admiring the adventurous take a dip!

Enjoying the sunset.

So, Onwards from Cabanos-Pontedeume, crossing the Eume on its famous bridge.

Then through the medieval part of the latter upwards – the first “ decent” hill. The sun was up and on reaching the summit, there were fine views and a “bag rest” to strip off layers and take on some water.

Fruits of the season, grapevines and a startling brightly coloured fungus.

An interesting addition to a STOP notice.

A welcome stop for coffee, not in the guidebooks, but housed in a furniture and antiques showroom.

Exclusively for Pelegrinos.

We walked on and came to an ancient bridge which I recalled from my Camino along here, four years ago – ideal setting for a group photo.

We reached Mino and Hotel Terraza. Some energetic souls sought out the beach, others shopped locally for an alfresco dinner on the hotel’s terrace.

The next day we were bound for Meson do Vento, via Betanzos. The longest etape of 31.5 Km, including a few hills,in hot sunshine.

A horse munched on,unconcerned as we walked by. Barbara marched on.

We were glad of the frequent stretches of shade. We bade farewell to the Ria as we sauntered inland.

There was a stop at Meson Museo, with its murals and space – unfortunately the service there was frustratingly slow.

Compensations in the scenery – chapels, Horreos ( Stores On stone plinths – iconic structures in Galicia ).

The arrangement with our hotel in Meson do Vento was that they would collect us from


So equipped with phone number, groups arriving at different times were able to avail themselves of this lift. The hotel owner went out of his way to help here. Eventually, everyone arrived.

Thirteen of the group completed the entire 31.5 km – hot, tired maybe a little disoriented – but rightly proud of themselves; may had never walked such a distance in one day before.

As always there was good food and drink to end the day.

And so the soothsayer said –

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Thanks to Han for some of the photos.

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