Sutton Coldfield Rambleros on the Camino Ingles,September 2019

12 Sep

This is the starting point of the Camino Ingles in Ferrol,Galicia. A party of 15 Rambleros enjoyed a seamless journey to Ferrol, via Attain Travel minibus and trailer to Stansted, Ryan air to Santiago de Compostela, then transfer by coach direct to our hotel.

We enjoyed a great meal at Candido and everyone was in great spirits.

The next morning, Tuesday, we spent exploring Ferrol which has the undeserved reputation as the ” Black Sheep” of Galician cities – supposedly lacking in attractiveness and interest. Having spent time here four years ago I was pleasantly surprised by the upsurge in civic pride in the city evidenced by its cleanliness and rejuvenation. Galerias, Art Nouveau were characteristic of many buildings.And a Fine Cathedral

The shipyards, Arsenal and harbour front all added to the atmosphere.

At midday we were given excellent guided by a very helpful tourist office man and we set off for our first stop, Naron and Hotel Kensington. Early showers had dispersed and we walked along the harbour and shipyard in increasingly sunny weather.

The food is good in Galicia and The Bocadillos are a great Pelegrinos favourite.Traditionally one finds churches and monasteries along the ” Way”.

We enjoyed a Pilgrim menu for dinner at Hotel Kensington.Wednesday found us en route for Cabanas on the Ria, immediately before Pontedeume and the river Eume.

As always the coffee stop was most welcome and in Neda we found a pilgrim friendly bar.

The Rambleros were delighted with Hotel Iberia and the adjacent beach.oThat evening we ate at a beach side restaurant where a long table was provided with a backdrop of a slow, wonderful sunset. The Paella, Padron Peppers and seafood were a treat.

We had enjoyed a great walk and a memorable evening.

One Response to “Sutton Coldfield Rambleros on the Camino Ingles,September 2019”

  1. Dermot Winston 12/09/2019 at 16:19 #

    Photo of the beautiful bay and surrounding countryside reminds me of Camino September 2015 with John, MAC and Roger.

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