The Camino is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. — apologies to S. Kierkegaard – Final Day to be celebrated and remembered…with some music.

22 Jun

Just after a coffee stop, my attention was drawn to a Fuente and a tiny inscription in English.Such a short life and this memorial to her as a Pelegrina, took me back to that Mary Hopkins song. And as I sauntered on the idea came to me that as this was the last day of the Camino,I should incorporate some 🎶.

Leaving Estrella Dorada we were very quickly back on the Camino,striding through Eucalyptus trees, with the occasional view of a vastly changed landscape from two weeks ago. Fungus under the trees and a Pelegrino on horseback. America -“A Horse With No Name”

Inevitably the opportunity for coffee presented itself at a cafe I have used before.The last of Hannah’s cakes went down well with this last cup coffee before I …go – cue for my favourite Camino song – ” One More Cup of Coffee” by Roger McGuin & Calexico.

Onwards to A Lavacolla, where in the Middle Ages, Pilgrims would wash themselves before entering the city – the name ” lavacolla” has one of the most debated origins of all the Camino towns. They range from the bland ” field at the bottom of the hill” to the more profane ” scrub your scrotum”!Don’t worry, it didn’t inspire a song – open to suggestions though.

Not just horses on the Camino,today, but a baby in a buggy and bicigrinos.” Walk-in My Baby Back Höme” by Nat King Cole

Passing The last of the forests as the outskirts of Santiago are approaching. Mount Gozo – The Mount of Joy – as it is known. Originally because you could see the Spires of the Cathedral for the first time, then someone had the idea of planting some trees, which now block the view. It is also the place where the Pope celebrated Mass in the 90s and there is a very large, unlovely sculpture to mark the event and in much need of TLC.

” Flowers of the Forest ” – – by Mike Oldfield.

It is a 5 km walk to the Cathedral Square from Gozo and thankfully there are one or two sights to distract you from the humdrum nature of this section.

Look closely at this last bedecked photo and all will be revealed.

Galician Overture – The Chieftains

Then you find yourself approaching the ” Old City” by way of narrowing streets and for me, a familiar cafe, until the gateway leads you towards the Cathedral.Eventually you reach the Porto da Camino and suddenly you are there.I entered a little ahead of Mac and someone offered to take my photo, as hundreds of thousands have done before.Mac was soon on the scene and another kind, young lady took great pains to commemorate our arrival.

” You Gotta Friend” – – Carole King and James Taylor.

Then it was on to our digs for the next two nights San Pinario. Happy memories again.

Crossed this inscription in the pavement – says it all for me.

” Feels Like Höme to Me” by Randy Newman

It has been a Buen Camino…

10 Responses to “The Camino is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. — apologies to S. Kierkegaard – Final Day to be celebrated and remembered…with some music.”

  1. Dermot 22/06/2019 at 18:56 #

    Great photos and great music
    Thanks for sharing John!
    Buen Camino!

  2. Arlèna 22/06/2019 at 19:40 #

    A wonderful day for your arrival, congratulations to both you and Mac. How many time have you walked the Camino now?
    Ultreia y Suseia ~ Arlèna

  3. ensuitepilgrim 23/06/2019 at 07:04 #

    Hola Arlene, thanks for your encouragement, I think this takes it to 12/13…and I’m leading a group on the Ingles in September.

    • Arlèna 23/06/2019 at 14:13 #

      Wonderful, I’ll be on my 14th this September – the Portuguese because I will be leading a small group as well. We begin on 21 September from Porto and should arrive in SdC on 3 October – maybe we shall cross paths along the way. When do you expect to arrive in SdC?

  4. David jones 27/07/2019 at 11:48 #

    Hi John,

    Thanks for the great ‘photos and info. Glad to see you are still putting stuff out there to encourage engagement with the caminos. Poor Mac, with an injured arm but much better now. Keep up the good work! Good wishes,Dave & Theresa.

    • ensuitepilgrim 29/07/2019 at 19:04 #

      Hola Dave, thanks for the encouraging remarks. Mac’s OK now.
      Just returning from a few weeks away in France,Spain & Portugal.
      Leading a group ofSutton Coldfield Rambleros in September on the
      Ingles – 17 in all.
      Hope all is well with you both.

      Regards and best,


  5. Mike Huisman 28/07/2019 at 09:47 #

    Hi John,

    Still traveling Europe you are. As I understand in a little more luxurious way now. Our little Dutch brotherhood, Paul, Prem, Pieter and Mike are still on the via de Plata. Last stop was Puebla de Sanabria last year (2018) . 2019 we unfortunately will not be able to Walk the walk. Paul has a hernia and can’t walk that far now. Probably we will get from Puebla to Santiago next Year. Say hello to Mac. I wish you another 100.000 Miles of walking pleasure!


    • ensuitepilgrim 28/07/2019 at 15:31 #

      Hola Mike,

      Good to hear from you.

      Commiseration to Paul.

      I was in Puebla de Sanabria a couple of weeks ago – stayed on the campsite – pleased to say it hadn’t changed.
      I’m leading a group of 16 on the Ingles in September.
      Regards and best to all.


      • Mike Huisman 28/07/2019 at 20:48 #

        Hi John,
        16 is quite a number. You’ll need
        a herddog!
        Enjoy your trips! Good of you to go before oktober. Mr B Johnson will make you need visa.
        Hope to see and meet you guys Some time again
        Buen Camino (s)


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