Penultimate Day on the Camino-So many Pelegrinos. Arzua to O Pedrouzo 22 KM

21 Jun

Left Arzua, passing the statue of the cheese maker and paused by some unusual cladding.The Way went downhill and I didn’t need the signpost to alert me to the fact that I was now walking the Camino Frances, which had subsumed both the Del Norte and the Primitivo.Arzua was now in the far distance;not so the crowds.There was no shortage of cafes on this section – my choice was based on two factors – was it authentic and was there a queue? The bottle bar did not pass muster.

By now I was telling myself ” I told you so” – too many people, too many stalls. I saw more trinkets on this section in two hours, than I did in ten days on the Primitivo . I realised that it was getting to me so I stopped for coffee and a rethink at Bar Lino. I liked it because it reminded me of Theresa May -LINO – leader in name only. Cheered by that thought if not by the prospect of which arse would follow her,I relaxed and chatted to Frances,from New Zealand, who I met whilst standing by the door to the aseos. I encouraged her to skip the queue for the ladies and use the caballeros’.

The Frances – it is what it is,I reminded myself and vowed to see only the positives. And As the photos show,I did.

The Frances has encouraged much development, both on the Camino itself and in places where it intersects with the N 547. Many autovias and major trunk roads in Spain have followed in the footsteps of the Caminos.

Not far from O Pedrouzo, pictures of Eucalyptus tree logging, a traditional Horreos ( I do so love them – want one in my garden ) and abandoned dwellings.PR Estella Dorada is on the main road, as are many albergues and hostals. I have stayed here before and it is a simple,clean,welcoming place. Off with the boots and down to a local cafe for a Sandwicha Mixta Con Huevos – a long time favourite of mine.Later that evening, we basked in all too rarely seen sunshine with our two amigos,Mick and Mike, welcoming Chris, from County Cork, walking with his fifteen year old son.

Great Craic.

One Response to “Penultimate Day on the Camino-So many Pelegrinos. Arzua to O Pedrouzo 22 KM”

  1. Arlèna 21/06/2019 at 22:39 #

    Almost there now! How well I remember the Francés, my first and second in a string of Caminos. Now my favorite is the Português, either one coastal or central it doesn’t matter. But one day I must walk the Norté and Primitivo to complete the routes through Spain.

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