Not only has my body adapted for the constant walking. So too has my mind…I wish. Today from San Remoa to Melide.

20 Jun

Set off in damp conditions and the mists disguised some fine scenery. Nevertheless it was to be a more enjoyable walk than yesterday as the there were good paths through woodlands and less tarmac.

After a while we came to a green, barn door which I recognised from my previous saunter in these parts with my sister and brother, Penny and Matt, a few years back. Behind the aforementioned door was a restored courtyard and bar look at those chandeliers!

Over streams and down quiet pathways – I heard a cuckoo somewhere in the nearby forest – and a couple of hours passed by almost imperceptibly.

Then another pleasant stop at a cafe visited before, albeit in much sunnier weather.

A helpful sign showed that as we emerged form the forest we were heading towards Toques and a different landscape.

Two ” Horreos” from different centuries – the restored one aided by a rural grant.

Passing through a typical, half abandoned and seemingly nameless hamlet I noticed the wheels of an ancient cart left in its rustic dolmen – like shed. And yet another long abandoned house for sale.

Signage can be mirage as Compostela was posted – not THE ” field of dreams”, however.

Flora and fauna – cactus and goats on the outskirts of Melide, today’s staging post and the town where the Camino Primitivo meets the Camino Frances, the latter being the most popular and overcrowded Camino – The cross roads – goodbye tranquility.

Thankfully our base was a little way off the main drag and proved to be a quiet spot in which to recover – though the swimming pool was a challenge too many!

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