“All life is here again beginning. Because in Galicia, when you think that you will not be able to wind and rain, there is a day like today, and suddenly it becomes the only place where you want to die. Die of life Life may start in a place very similar to Galicia. ” – Mónica Fernández-Aceytuno, The country of birds that sleep in the air

18 Jun

Just had a photo sent, of last night’s meal in one of the many Tapas bars and streets in Lugo. Kind of a farewell do as the two lads, Mick and Michael have a different itinerary and Marie is having a rest day in Lugo – we’ve had three good evenings together. Having crossed paths most days since Oviedo.

“Wind” and “Rain” today in different amounts and at different times. Leaving Lugo, it began to rain – poncho time – crossed the Mino over the old Roman bridge and climbed out of the city, passing the imposing gateway of a Manor House.Lugo is an excellent base for a longer stay – Roman walls etc, but a host of other things to see. The walk was relatively flat now and after a couple of hours I reached this church and a nearby, somewhat ramshackle but welcoming cafe. Stripped off the poncho as the sun came out and enjoyed one of Hannah’s ” sugar rush” cakes with my Americano.Lugo was now in the far distance and as there had been a lot of quiet road walking,it was a relief to get back on more traditional pathways.84. 7..KM to Santiago from here.

Rustic scenes ( I did gesture to ask for permission to take the photo – must have missed the smile ) – and since leaving Lugo , Galician Horreos now.Rome’s influence extended to San Remoa daRetorta , where at the Albergue we were to ring our accommodation ( 8 km away ) for a lift. We did; they came.

This plate with pan delicioso came to €4.00 – aproveche. A much needed lunch after21 KMWe were pleased with the basic, but clean room and will be dining later. And it has stopped raining, the socks and tops are drying on the radiator- a Pelegrino’s work is never done – I love these stopovers, you never know how it will pan out .

 “Don’t come to the Camino looking for answers. Instead, come with an open heart and you may be surprised by what you find.”

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