Grandas de Salime to Fonsagrada-A Holy Way- chapels and mountains… “I felt the fatigue, hunger and pain of those hundreds of thousands who have gone before I felt their presence. I also shared their joy, awe and elation”.

15 Jun

28 KM in prospect,including a couple of decent climbs. Bright blue sky and crystal clear air. I was reminded of Pilgrimage by the number of chapels and hermitages found upon this etape


I was particularly pleased with the above photo of the saint as I had take it through a grille. Still today, believers write their prayers and invocations on post-it’s and scraps of paper, leaving them with hope.

Some lighthearted moments, too.

Flora and fauna – lots of interesting insects in the mountains here but I only managed to catch one unawares.

Fontefrio – Cold Fountain – a tiny hamlet and tinglingly fresh water. Fuentes are a feature of most Caminos.Bafflingly, the signage in the Asturias region is in the opposite direction to Galicia and most other regions that I’ve walked through; last sign in Asturias.

First sign in Galicia was expected to be in the opposite direction-but it wasn’t! Later some signs were….?

Only 166. Km to Santiago from here at the foot of the Acebo pass. Earlier, the border was marked in a way only to be found on a Camino.

I really enjoyed this stage and the climb upto the pass – steep descent – the views were even better in the sunshine.The local people don’t waste materials and even tiny stores are made from materials to hand like slate and stone.

The same can be said about domesticated animals – a donkey tethered peacefully grazing below the road – chickens cooped and protectedfrom flying predators by netting.The signage has been good on this Camino and the information boards,too.

The last climb was up to Fonsagrada – Holy Fountain – and it was steeper than the climb up to the Acebo pass – worth every slow step and who should be waiting at the top but Mac. He had done 8 km as a tester for his knee and was pleased that it went well. So on to Casa Manolo, our accommodation for the night and where after a shower and a rest, we met three English Pelegrinos for drinks and a meal. Menu Pelegrino € 10.00 including wine, home cooking at its best. Welcome back to Galicia.

One Response to “Grandas de Salime to Fonsagrada-A Holy Way- chapels and mountains… “I felt the fatigue, hunger and pain of those hundreds of thousands who have gone before I felt their presence. I also shared their joy, awe and elation”.”

  1. Arlèna 16/06/2019 at 14:02 #

    I am happy to hear Mac is back on the trail. And the photos, as usual, are wonderful.

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