“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things maybe, to see them as they are.” Samuel Johnson. Tineo to Pola de Allende.

12 Jun

There are two approaches to Pola de Allende from Tineo,which in times gone by was felt to be so difficult to get to that the most favoured route was by way of the mountains. Long abandoned Pilgrim hospitals bear witness to this – now called the ” Hospitales” route.

However, since then another lowered route was founded and this was the way we sauntered to Pola de Allende. Two main reasons – recent wet weather would have made descents very tricky, Plus it’s an isolated track – 14.2 km with no infrastructure.

Thankful for a dry if chilly start we made our way out towards the Camino taking a short taxi ride to an obvious starting point.

Oak and Pine trees, plentiful birdsong – well placed stepping stones.

Passing a tiny chapel dedicated to San Roque – a great favourite in Spain.

This enormous hoarding was placed on an isolated track and encouraged thoughts of much needed coffee – we were to be surprised by so much more on arrival.

MAC asked the owner, José, what time the Disco started – this was the most extraordinary galaxy of lights and flags festooned from every part of the ceiling. The range of goods and CAMINO related nicknacks was astonishing and we could not have asked for a more entertaining and humorous host, whose English was excellent.

He insisted on taking photos of us – with Emilio from The Canaries – both inside and outside the bar.

He had his own design made for the Camisetas and I could not resist- the actual quality is excellent – although I shall doubtless be required to off load a couple of old t- shirts as a consequence!

We pressed on through more forest, passing bee hives and enjoying the views.

The descent was over 300 metres and steep in places. Freshly placed signposts,too.

Pola is an attractive little place located on the steep banks of the River Nison .

The above photo shows a memorial to emigrants – the Indianos ” – were some who returned from the Americas with their fortunes and investing in the town, building some luxurious residences.

Our hotel overlooks the river and is a very friendly,old fashioned place – some unfashionable wet bits hopefully drying out in our room – been promised an exceptional Asturian dinner tonight.

One Response to ““The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things maybe, to see them as they are.” Samuel Johnson. Tineo to Pola de Allende.”

  1. Arlèna 13/06/2019 at 00:17 #

    You are a wonderful photographer, you capture the essence of the Camino – I am impressed! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us your readers.

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