“Walking the Camino you can make yourself miserable or strong. But the amount of walking will be still the same.” Mud, sweat and….beers? Day two from Salas to Tineo.

11 Jun

Ponchos on, we left the square and gulped at the information board and began our first climb of the day.

The temperature was 8* when we started out from the hotel.

The Camino today was going to be mainly along wooded paths,sometimes clinging to the side of the mountain as we were sometimes clinging to the fences to avoid the mud. Heavy rain showers were to exacerbate what are generally pretty wet ways.

The Albergue at Bodenaya wasn’t open so no coffee, but a reminder on the wall about how far there was to walk.

At La Espina we found a welcome shelter from the rain. An automated self service Pelegrino Parada with coffee machine and a vending facility from which you could buy everything from a sandwich to a Camino Primitivo T-Shirt! Greatly appreciated. Could not resist these photos.

Two contrasting buildings. One an ancient hermitage site and almost next door, a bungalow with a difference.

Because of the rain and cloud cover over the valley and mountains, not many opportunities for photos. Occasional glimpses of the sun, but I was struck by this barn door!

Tineo was a very important Pilgrim stop in the Middle Ages and the views are impressive.

It does have an impressive Town Hall Square.

Tomorrow is set to be another challenging day, not least because of the weather which if the forecast is correct, then part of the initial climb involved is not advisable in poor conditions.We shall see. Meanwhile the boots are drying out in the laundry room after our young host provided us with some cleaning aids. She was impressed by our efforts to sweep up the mud we brought in.

One Response to ““Walking the Camino you can make yourself miserable or strong. But the amount of walking will be still the same.” Mud, sweat and….beers? Day two from Salas to Tineo.”

  1. Dermot 11/06/2019 at 17:24 #

    Onwards and upwards mi amigos! Buen Camino!

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