Camino Primitivo – convoluted journey – + a half day in Santiago de Compostela .

10 Jun

Overnight bus to Gatwick. 06.00 flight to S de C. Half day in the city before taking a coach on Sunday morning to Oviedo, from whence we went to Grado, after a futile attempt to get a ” sello ” for our Pilgrim passport, I e Credencial. Long journeys but not a problem when you have done it a couple of times before.

On arriving at S de C, first Camino signs on the stairs from arrivals…

At our hotel ,De La Salle, where we have stayed before, there were obvious signs of improvement- and it remains a great value stopover.

How many times have I walked about this amazing city? Always a new Calle, or square.

Students receiving their degrees with a simple shawl. On to aperitifs and dinner. S de C remains great value for your Euro if you look around. Some great dressing up and Casa Manolo was good fun.

Next leg was the coach to Oviedo. Rarely do you go directly anywhere on ALSA buses, they serve remote towns and go along routes that your Satnav would not suggest. We went north to La Coruña before heading East to Oviedo and over the mountains some fog.

After reaching Oviedo, a big city, we made for the Cathedral wanting our first stamp, sello, from there – Sunday and the Basilica was shut! Luckily, Mac Spotted the Cathedral bar nearby and we got a great stamp there – then the bus to Grado.

We found our hotel Areces, with the assistance of a Chinese mum and daughter who insisted on taking us to the door – Camino Angels exist – Areces is only a year old and run by Antonio and his wife – great hosts; superb location.

Being in the region of Asturias, cider is the drink – in Oviedo there are streets dedicated to it. Here, we found Cafe Express, a little distance away from the square where live music was playing as part of a local fiesta – something to do with Spring – sheltered from booming bass notes, Sidra was ordered and whilst menus were perused took in the unlikely scenes of Spanish grandmothers pretending to be complimentary about their friends’ perms whilst they played, would you believe….Ludo? Great food, too. Even if it did come all at once!

En route back to the hotel, we were impressed by the stage show – so professional and very loud. Fortunately our host Antonio had forewarned us abou the din and provided ear plugs.

Great breakfast at Areces and then the Camino really begins…. a little longer in distance than the guide books stated as we were to find out. Mac reckoned the music went on until well after 02.00. I never heard a thing after closing the shutters. Next morning, looking out on the square you would not have thought there had been mayhem a few hour earlier.

One Response to “Camino Primitivo – convoluted journey – + a half day in Santiago de Compostela .”

  1. Arlèna 10/06/2019 at 21:37 #

    Ah, the Camino. I love the pilgrim path! I’ll be guiding a group on the Camino Portuguese in September, my son and granddaughter will be among the others. As usual, a great post and great photos, thank you.

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