Final Day on the Camina Briganti. A trip around the market then a local bus to Sainte Marie for a visit to the Brigante Museo and to collect our Cammino completion certificates.mi

31 May

A tempting fruit display and some fungi at the market.

Barbara had got a good line in roast chicken going.

In the council offices there are two reproductions of paintings by Edward Lear, who spent time here in the 1840s.

Of particular interest to Lear was the Abruzzo, which he visited in 1843, through the Marsica (Celano, Avezzano, Alba Fucens, Trasacco) and the plateau of Cinque Miglia (Castel di Sangro and Alfedena), by an old sheep track of the shepherds. ( Wikipedia)

Coffee by the old Post House on the square, then a local bus ride,€4.00 return to Sainte Marie.

( One thing I did notice en route is that fuel prices are even higher than the UK.)

The village of Sainte Marie housed the office of the Cammino Brigante as well as the museum. The obliging lady who handed us our certificates was also our guide for the museum. Apparently, our group had attracted considerable local interest being the first English group to complete the Cammino. Yesterday evening we were stopped twice in the old town by people who had heard about us! We were asked to pose as a group,for a photo, which happened again later in the museum – going to make the papers they said,proudly.

A short stroll brought us to the Palazzo Colelli, home of the Museum Dei Brigantaggio.

Our guide pointed out many things of interest about the Brigands and quite proudly expanded on the weaponry of a well armed female Brigante- leader.

Links to Italian unification were made and the short term liaison the Brigantes had with Garibaldi on his march Northwards. Apparently, none of the promises he made to the Brigands were being honoured so they swapped sides – he reminded me of certain contemporary English politicians – empty promises of £350 000 000 for the NHS, for example. Still I digress.

There were rifles, swords, knives and cutlasses on display and in a more peaceful room, a reproduction of a typical bedroom of the time. With an extraordinary bed warmer – a bowl of hot ashes from the kitchen fire – with a wooden frame to pre vent, hopefully, singing the blankets.

Then it was back to the community centre bar for mini pizzas before awaiting the bus back to Tagliacozzo.

We had an hour back at the hotel to freshen up. Earlier Caterina had presented Paolo with a card and a whip round from us as a mark of our appreciation for his time with us – his enthusiasm for his region, the Cammino, care of the environment, not to mention his encyclopaedic knowledge of the natural world engaged us all. A lovely guy and a great European! We also thanked Caterina with some special chocolates for giving us the chance to walk and enjoy this little known, as yet, wonderful region of Abruzzo.

Our driver arrived and we exchanged final hugs and good byes with Paolo before boarding the minibus back to Rome airport. A smooth ride and then a hassle – free passage through security. Homeward bound.

I am writing this on the flight and it feels as though we had been away a lot longer than a week. On reflection,everyday brought fresh and interesting things to see and sometimes to marvel at. Some decent climbs, too, which will help me, I hope,on my Camino Primitivo, early next month.

The food we were served, especially at dinner, was the best I can ever remember eating whilst on a European holiday – it was all locally sourced using recipes from the Abruzzo.

We had the pleasure of meeting and walking with two “new” members – Helen, Judy’s daughter and Maggie, a nurse from Nottingham – they were both great fun and we enjoyed their companionship.

As for the locals and all our hosts, well we could not have received better hospitality if we had been royalty – summed up by Anna, earlier in the week as she refused my payment for a round of drinks:-

No John, You Are My Guests…”

We were and we have all been very fortunate for a few ” bright” days.

“‘…in those few bright (Abruzzi) days’: Edward Lear’s landscaping gaze and the discovery of Abruzzo.

Came Höme with an additional letter to my name!

3 Responses to “Final Day on the Camina Briganti. A trip around the market then a local bus to Sainte Marie for a visit to the Brigante Museo and to collect our Cammino completion certificates.mi”

  1. Dermot 31/05/2019 at 10:48 #

    Sounds like a great time mi amigo!
    Batteries recharged!

  2. Sea Shells 01/06/2019 at 15:46 #


  3. ensuitepilgrim 01/06/2019 at 17:14 #

    Thank you Mary – a great week.

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