Day Six – our last full day’s walking to Tagliacozzo – one of the most beautiful towns in Italy as the photo says.

30 May

Another astonishingly situated town.

This was another enjoyable saunter, mainly alongside farm lands and the inevitable hillsides.

More sightings of Griffon Vultures above us.

And the Orsini Castle on the way.

Some of the group got carried away and did a spot of tree-hugging around a seven hundred year Oak Tree.

We reached the outskirts of Tagliacozzo and a veteran cyclist stopped for a chat and some photos – he was quite taken by Judy!

We entered the town through an impressive gateway and into the Obelisk Square.

After checking in at Hotel Marina, Paolo led a group of us on a tour upto and in to the old town. Steep in places and some intriguing doorways.

We then visited the Church of St Francis where the body of Blessed Tommaso de Celano lies – he is famous for being the biographer of St Francis and responsible for nearly everything that we know about St Francis.

On leaving the church we met a nun tending the flower tubs. Paolo asked her about the sisters’ daily routine, to his astonishment she cheerfully told him it was all on YouTube!

We then returned to the hotel for another great evening meal. Judy, like most of us couldn’t cope with all the grilled meat on offer and so she wrapped up a sausage and next morning at breakfast inserted it into a croissant for later.

Hotel Marina was a comfortable stay and someone with a GSOH drew the toilet signs.

And so it was goodnight from him.

One Response to “Day Six – our last full day’s walking to Tagliacozzo – one of the most beautiful towns in Italy as the photo says.”

  1. Arlèna 30/05/2019 at 19:25 #

    I remember seeing one of the very same toilet signs along the Camino Portuguese, in fact, I have a very similar photo. Again, wonderful photos and commentary, thank you.

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