Day Five across the plain to Magliano Dei Marsi and Scurcola Marsicana.

28 May

View from the bedroom window,7.30 am; Breakfast in a cave, first time ever. Then we set off out of town to the plain which up until the mid 19 th century was an enormous lake.

This was a different terrain to previous day’s but really pleasant in the sunshine. Griffon Vultures were spotted circling high overhead.

After coffee we made our way alongside a river and below the foothills covered in wild flowers, encircled by butterflies.

En route to Castle Orsini passing door ways and the many ” vendesi” signs so common in all the habitats we pass through.

Goats frolicking and then an Oak tree, dating back to the 13 th Century.

Group photo on the steps of the St. Luzia Church.

After a very steep climb followed by a slippery descent in a rain shower, we reached our accommodation for the night – beautiful house and grounds – a loom and a log fire.

It was an excellent evening – the host joined in with the cards – didn’t stop Maggie from cheating!

I w et to see if I could help out in the kitchen, but the chef had it all in hand and produced a great meal for us.

The last photo is of local cheese, roasted in parchment – then dressed with a spoonful of Truffles.

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