Exmoor and Dartmoor are sacred, magical places. You find a truer side of yourself there. Dave Davies – Lead Guitar – The Kinks.

18 Mar

Did you know: Exmoor is the only national location for the lichens Biatoridium delitescens, Rinodina fimbriata and Rinodina flavosoralifera, the latter having been found only on one individual tree?

Well, you could be forgiven for that.

Certainly the trees in the Lynn Valley generally and in the grounds of Myrtleberry Lodge were evidence of this phenomena.

Walking up to Watersmeet and on to the waterfalls was a magical experience.

The tumult of the River Lynn, the sunshine and birdsong – great start to a days’ sauntering in the Exmoor valleys and coastal path .

After Watersmeet, a drive to the coast and a walk along the coastal path and a typical valley , where the pace of the stream, enforced by half a day’s rain was breathtaking.

Heddon’s Mouth – then a long,uphill walk, including a half mile 1-4 gasper to the car psrk, near Martinhoe, an ancient hamlet

Everyone in good spirits, befitting St Patrick’s Day – we enjoyed our own parade.

Myrtleberry was a lovely retreat , in Exmoor, which ended too quickly – what an amazing place.

“All the beauty of the spring went for happy men to think of all the increase of the year was for other eyes to mark. Not a sign of any sunrise for me from my fount of life; not a breath to stir the dead leaves fallen on my heart’s Spring.” 
 R.D. Blackmore, Lorna Doone

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