What a Difference a Day Makes…..Steam train Ramble

18 Sep

One day on, from  returning from Santiago de Compostela, we are on a Sutton Coldfield Ramblers’ Sunday Excursion to the Cotswolds. Differences in the weather, terrain and company, plus time to put together a blog about the walk in quintessential, English countryside .” From Cheltenham this ramble reaches the highest point on the Common via Southam and Huddlestone’s Table. The coach is in Winchcombe so it’s the Winchcombe Way and the Cotswold Way on good, gently descending paths all afternoon.” It was also billed as a ” GWR” walk – Gloucester and Warwickshire Railway – Or as I read it…Great Western Railway…or” God s Own Railway”! Anyway, for me, the sight of a steam engine in full blow, is always approaching ” heavenly”. The ” sheds”, as we used to call them, are always interesting ; engines,  even diesel locomotives, rolling stock always fill me with curiosity.

09.55. Five minutes to go to departure and you can clearly recognise  who is dressed for the occasion and  will be blowing the whistle. All these railways depend on enthusiastic volunteers – preserving or heritage – many thanks to them.

The train took us along a mainly, single line. I was further able to relive my early, teenagetrain-spotting days, by being able to not only open a window, but to lean out and take photos. Had it been in the train-spotting days, it would have been to take the number of any fast approaching engine, on the other line. Either way, a speck of coal grit, in the eye,  was an inevitable consequence. 

We passed through a couple of Halts and stopped briefly at a station. Floral decoration was a feature and emphasised the pride taken in both the restoration and maintenance of the stations; one of which was now a private house. Would presume the owners are also enthusiasts ; I should love to live there.

What do you think “S W ” is instructing the train driver?

We alighted at Cheltenham Racecourse Station, divided into a choice from two walks; the”a” walk being the longer of the two. Both would finish in Winchcombe.

A sign that always brings ” relief” to Ramblers, anywhere, even on railway stations…..

Colin, our irrepressible chairperson and today’s walk leader, pointed upwards, across a still, somewhat misty landscape, at a flat hill – that’s where we are heading – a bit of a hill – we all knew what that meant.

Not only that, we were to forgo the beloved ” coffee break” and pause for lunch, only when we were atop it, became most had enjoyed refreshments, either at the station cafe, or on the train – bacon rolls were very popular. Given recent amounts of rain, it was unsurprising to have slip and slither occasionally, en route, but the summit was made in good time and the air was clearing, too. 

There was even  time for a swing, along the way.

A famous landmark was reached, where we coincided, with the other group – Belas Kapp Long Barrow – over 5000 years old.

The groups made their way downwards towards Winchcombe, passing the only Five Star Hotel, in Gloucestershire and Sydeley Castle could be espied nearby.

Winchcombe’s famous Abbey, in the foreground and on to Rosie’ s Pattiserie, where a warm welcome awaited. Perfect end to a great day day out; very different to the landscapes, I had enjoyed over the previous fortnight and the rain stayed away, until we we were well on our way, in the coach Höme. 

One Response to “What a Difference a Day Makes…..Steam train Ramble”

  1. Dermot Winston 18/09/2017 at 15:38 #


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