The Camino Provides….on  the Spiritual Variant…and Surprises.

12 Sep ” The Pilgrim Song” by Cecilia Samaritan 

Just  when I thought my rucksack carrying days were over, I received an e-Mail from TUITRANS, the company I had used for the previous four days, which dismayed me, as the cost suggested  for the final, four days had gone up by 250%! They don’t have any competition on this section, I.e the Spanish Correos, so their prices are exorbitant. This did not spoil our meal, together with B, of our party, in the majestic Comedor, in the Monastery. We hoped we would meet up with her, for the boat trip, on Wednesday.
Monday commenced in Misty, damp conditions and after breakfast in a nearby bar, Mac and I set off; our first stopping point to be the delightful fishing village of Combarro, just three Km away. I was once more carrying my rucksack and it had not been a problem – four walking days without helped – as we were entering the village, Mac’s phone went and after ignoring two calls, he finally answered. It was our leader,C, telling us wait on the main st. as the Chair of the local Peregrinos’ confraternite had been in touch, and had offered to transfer us by minibus over the mountain, ahead , as sections could be dangerous.

Within minutes we were aboard the minibus after being introduced to Celestinio , the president of The Portuguese Costa confraternite; he guided us around Combarro and I splashed out on the local “pin”.

 He  was to be our host and guide for most of the day…..and night. Someone whose knowledge and enthusiasm for his beloved Camino was inexhaustible

We were never more relieved to be aboard, as we climbed up the mountain.I think it would have finished us off. But there we were, being transported over it , rucksacks and all. There was still some cloud over the Ria, as the sun gradually made a bashful appearance. We walked along the top for 600 metres, to another viewpoint.

At that point we were reminded it was time for a coffee, which we enjoyed, along with Empanadas and samples of Galician style stew,at a mountain top golf course….An incongruous, but unique setting.

Looking over the driver’s shoulder, on the way down.

The tour continued with a stop at a Cistercian Monastery, where we were warmly greeted.

….then a reality check….some walking to do 11 KM along the Rua de Pedras a de Agua, downhill, following a stream and over some stony pathways, reputedly one of the most peaceful and picturesque stages on all the Camino.
 We enjoyed this walk, bypassing the ruins of many small water mills – Muinos- as we went. After a stop for a ” Clara”, we made it to our base for the night  – all five of us at Hostal Santa Baia, very new and most comfortable. We only had an hour or so,to showers etc; before our host and guide would be arriving to collect us and take us to a small reception at a local Adega,renowned for its Albariño wine.We were whisked away and were greeted at the Adega Eidos…the setting alone took my breath away, let alone the stage of the art wine making production, the vineyards and the views. We sampled three distinctive Albariños, together with samples of seafood – the crab pate was muy bien – as were the wines and the hospitality. 

The evening was not yet complete. 

After being given ” Goody Bags” and posing for a group photograph, ( note the caps ) we went on ,with a tour around the Ria and I was impressed with both the beaches and the settings, along this magical coastline. There was plenty of Holiday development, but nothing out of place. We stopped at Lanzarda, which had a Miradour, ancient fort and chapel, set alongside a Necropolis, which ahead been partially explored; apparently it was a huge town in its day, with much yet to be excavated. The sun was setting and Mac spotted Dolphins, frisking about in the Bay.

After a further tour of the coast, including a very exclusive looking resort, Isla de Toxa, we arrived at a restaurant , for dinner, at about 10.30 pm.

We sang ” Happy Birthday” to D, one of our number; the locals applauded.

Back to base for midnight; more shattered than after a 25 KM walk !

THE CAMINO PROVIDED INDEED… ” Looking Back Over My Shoulder” – Mike and the Mechanics.

One Response to “The Camino Provides….on  the Spiritual Variant…and Surprises.”

  1. Gitti Harre 12/09/2017 at 18:13 #

    What an amazing impromptu beautiful adventure. So rich.
    Wish I were there!

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