Back Rambling around Staffordshire Moorlands….Felt it a bit!

13 Aug

This is the information about the walk, from SC Ramblers’ website

Walk Start TimePlease Note start time 08:30Walk directions2Drive to Lichfield and follow the ring road A51. At the roundabout take the A515 Ashbourne road. Drive through Ashbourne and continue north on the A515 Buxton road for 5 miles. Turn Left signposted to Millfield and Alstonefield and on reaching the valley bottom look out for the Right turn up the hill to Alstonefield. In the village the road turns Right and the car park is on the Left next to the toilets.Explorer Map OL24. Grid ref: 131 556

Walk The WalkA walk of about 9 miles from the pretty village of Alstonefield north of Ashbourne. From the car park we walk round the north side of Wetton Hill to Wetton Mill before heading up a pleasant valley past Sugar Loaf to Summer Hill Farm and so to the top of Ecton Hill with wonderful 360 degree views. We drop down to the Manifold Valley and traverse round the north side of Ecton before making our way east and south to Narrowdale and thence back to Alstonefield. With the earlier start we should be in time to drive back to the Garden Centre south of Ashbourne for a nice cup of tea and cake.

There is one fairly long and steady ascent before lunch and another upward gradient toward the end of the walk.

Well, there was more than one ascent! But a good reintroduction into ” serious” walking after two months; this picturesque scenery in and around the Manifold Valley, is only an hour’s drive from Sutton Coldfield. Sparsely populated, for instance, the pretty village of Alstonefield has only about 300 inhabitants and it was there we began our circular walk.
Relieved that we walked around this hill , into the Manifold Valley.
Coffee was taken in a picnic area, very popular with families, as you can splash and paddle, hereabouts; I resisted the temptation.

One of the joys, for me, of our Ramblers’ walks, apart from the obvious pleasures of the countryside, is the amount of our industrial / archaeological history that can be found. The  notice boards, at this now disused Copper mine, were as informative as the site was fascinating , on Ecton Hill.
There are a variety of ways people  can enjoy the countryside ; this isn’t one of them, for me.
There were some interesting dwellings, en route ; This house was intriguing.
A complete contrast to an abandoned farmhouse, we came across, slightly further on. It was a sad setting and I found it quite “spooky”.
This walk was almost ten miles and I realised that I have some training to put in – midweek walks – to regain my fitness for the Portuguese Coastal Camino, beginning in September 1st. An excellent day.

One Response to “Back Rambling around Staffordshire Moorlands….Felt it a bit!”

  1. Courtney Livingston 14/08/2017 at 21:04 #

    Looks so pretty!

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