The Greek Oddity…A Reflection On the Journey.

4 Aug

“The seven wise men of Greece, so famous for their wisdom all the world over, acquired all that fame, each of them, by a single sentence consisting of two or three words. ” Robert SouthSo, this has to be a short Blog, if not a wise one.

It seems strange to be sitting at home , on the first morning after returning, without the familiar prospect of opening the motorhome door to strong sunlight and the constant nattering of crickets. This journey took us through seven countries; the destination, Greece, being the most memorable. First, the people, almost invariably welcoming and good humoured. The only other two  nations about which I could make a similar generalisation, are Portugal and Jordan. On a practical level, motorhoming needs good roads and signage. The roads and motorways are much improved; the signage is dire. There are so many other good reasons to explore Greece. The food, the wines, especially from Nemea and of course the ancient sites and beautiful bays.

It’s not bargain basement when it comes to costs – no such thing as a cheap holiday – dining out, for example, is not much cheaper than here, although the settings more than compensate for that . Coming back, it was necessary to take a ferry, leaving Igoumenitsa at 00.30. The port arrangements were not quite as chaotic as Bari, but came a close second. Only drivers can take their vehicles through the port gate; passengers have to go through the check – in lounge and reunite on the quayside.

Driving through almost the entire length of Italy, I was struck by the recklessness of some of the driving, where indicating is non- existent and the seriously expensive cost of camping. The prices were beyond anything seen before and that is such a pity, because the Italians are great to be with, on holiday. You are pretty much bound to use the motorways for long journeys and they are all toll roads. As you approach the Alps, by way of the outskirts of Turin, you can be mesmerised by the enormity of the peaks and baffled as to how you will get through them , to France. The answer was quite sobering – € 58.80 to traverse through the Frejus tunnel – 8 miles long.

I have to confess that I experienced feelings of relief on entering France, from a driver’s point of view – orderliness and etiquette-after 800 miles of Italian and Greek roads , it was most welcome. Pont d’Ain was the evening’s destination and a final BBQ , on a typical, semi rural site.

Passing Bourgeois en Bresse, by motorway, to South of Lyon, we took to the N Roads to cross towards Soissons, through the ” Côte d’Or “, with so many Burgundian ” village fleuries” to admire. The final night was spent in Peronne, for the first time, English voices and as ever, many Dutch campers. Had a meal at a local Brasserie -Rabbit Pate to die for! I wished there had been time to spend a day exploring the town, for its World War associations and industrial archaeology. But, Calais called and after a stop at a cheap , wine warehouse,  the 11.35 P & O ferry, to Dover.

If I returned to Greece, so much more to discover, I think I would fly/drive, because there are so many places where it would not be possible to explore in a motorhome, bearing in mind what a mountainous country it is, not forgetting 1400 islands!

A return to France is on the cards – for all the obvious reasons – not the least of which, is its accessibility .

So, what are the immediate demands? A wedding to attend on Saturday, at Birmingham Council House – a posh do – have to wear a monkey suit, something I loathe- what is this thing about aping your betters? Quite a contrast to vest and shorts. Still, I am sure it will be a great occasion. Then, on Sunday , down to Berkhamsted for a birthday – guess whose? And four days’ house sitting . It will be a while,yet, before I get round to the garden and the allotment .

Then, I have the small matter of a Camino, beginning in Porto, 1st September; have to get some fitness back before then.

Hope everyone is having a good Summer, wherever you are.

One Response to “The Greek Oddity…A Reflection On the Journey.”

  1. Gitti Harre 04/08/2017 at 10:15 #

    Thank you so very much for your summary. So very succinct and observant and put in a nutshell.

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