Zamora – “Pearl of the Romanic”

29 Apr

The end of this stage. A city I have never visited before, too tired to do it much justice, this evening, but look forward to visiting it again. As you walk in to the city, as we did, from the South, there was a pleasant walk alongsidecan extremely full and fast flowing River Duero ( Zamora was flooded last week ). The cathedral, set against the sky, above the cliffs and walls, gives an impregnable impression ; entrance into the old town is made across a Roman bridge.( PS It is “Romanic”, not Romantic )

I shall write this retrospectively and seek to enliven what is actually a great deal of monotonous walking – fields of cereals and grazing land stretching way across to the horizon; with  an occasional vineyard .Castille Y Leon is fairly daunting , in that there is nowhere on the Camino to sit and rest…except the floor!


Having to stop and apply some  ” Voltaren Emugel”, to a troublesome calf, I had to recourse to the Armco Barriers ( thank you Mac, for pointing that out )…Excuse my back!


imageThat embrocation was most effective ; apply three times a day. No problems with feet or boots.I underestimated the unseasonable weather, but the Poncho was a boon on the cold, wet stretch from Cubo de la Tierra del Vino  to Villenueva de Campean. There were very few cafes on any of the stages,but when we did find one, the welcome was always warm. This little place, newly established and not yet in any of the guide books, was a case in point. Tea and cakes , in a beautiful setting.


We had a conversation via Siri, Google Translate – Mac, much amused.

Our final stop before Caceres, was in La Posada del Buen Camino; an authentically restored house, in this small Pueblo. Home cooked dinner, which we shared with three other Pelegrinos and wonderful Zamora d o c vino tinto.


As always, it was heartwarming to get Hannah’s photos of three of the grandchildren, just to remind me what I ‘m missing….


Now for a short stroll around Zamora, aperitifs and dinner. It has been a tough Camino, at times, but we have met some very interesting people and with Mac’s unfailing sense of humour, managed to leave most places and people with a smile on both theirs and our faces.


4 Responses to “Zamora – “Pearl of the Romanic””

  1. Mike 01/05/2016 at 20:42 #

    Hi John, and Mac obviously, so you guys kept on walking for a year! The four Dutch guys you met last year on the journy to Merida had planned to go to Salamanca this year but me getting a new yob interfered.
    But i’m glad to see you guys are still walking the silver path.
    Next year we are walking again, the Merida Salamanca part. Maybe we’ll catch up on you guys again some day!

    Buen Camino!


    • ensuitepilgrim 02/05/2016 at 06:17 #

      Hi Mike

      Good to hear from you; hope the new job is going well
      and you enjoy the next part of the Camino.
      We shall probably walk the final part next Spring.
      Regards and best,


  2. Joe Ferris 17/05/2016 at 21:00 #

    John,just caught up with your blog(hope to do the Porto/Santiago next year)Lovely to see you having a good camino,Good luck and safe journy onwards,
    Joe Ferris ex.St.Phil’s.

  3. ensuitepilgrim 17/05/2016 at 21:07 #

    Hola Joe, good to hear from you; hope your Portuguese route comes to fruition.
    Am planning a short, Primtivo, with my sister, for September. Regards and best, john

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