” The rain in Spain stays mainly over us…”

22 Apr

imageimageimageWhen you go two or three days on the Camino, without Blogging, it’s only the photos that bring things back!  Hopefully, I can capture some of the places as we moved on.


imageWe walked through the walled town of  Galisteo, over the bridge, stopping to admire the the Stork’s nest.( see above…literally ).

The routes take you through meadows, populated with Holm  Oaks, for the most part and grazing cattle. Wild flowers and clutches of Lavender  brightened up the grey day, along with plentiful birdsong; they were as relieved as we,  by the temporary lack of rain. Hoping for coffee, we could only find a corner shop, where plastic cylinders of coffee were micro- waved for us! Not even a bar. But rewarding views, nevertheless.

We stayed at Oliva de Plasencia, after a baffling interchange of phone calls in the village shop, where my phone was handed to two different people, before we eventually found our base for the night – Scam going on, no passport, just gimme the money. But it was fine and we had a  great anti- Brexit discussion, with a French guy. He swore like a trooper! So far, we have met the usual phalanx of Dutch, German, Danes and Spanish; a mix enriched by  two South Koreans and a guy , who one time said he was Nepalese, then , Japanese – lost in translation? He wore a classic Andy Capp, for those who can remember him!





imageWe received friendly welcomes, advice from everyone , although I did do some research about our route to Aldeanueva because of possible flooding. So we chose an alternative route on a side road and we’re glad that we had, when we met our French compadre, who had gone the traditional route, wading up to his thighs and losing his phone, after taking a tumble; he was shaken up , but determined to continue, nevertheless. After borrowing my phone, to contact his next Albergue, we bade him” Buen Camino”. Mac was really concerned for him, but… What can you do?


We found Apartment La Luna, after a long, last Camino mile; a casa rural, situated above a hairdresser’s…our coiffeuse, was very helpful and my twin set looked a picture. One of the stranger sights was a gypsy type wagon, pulled by two donkeys and they gave us a cheerful wave?



A feature of this part of the Camino, are the Roman ” Milaria”; milestones, over two hundred of them, preserved and , especially explained , as you go along. In fact, if they could balance the historical importance of the Via de la Plata, with practical info.about the terrain, it would be brilliant!

At Aldeanueva del Camino, I found a pharmacist for help with a troublesome calf muscle ? He sold me a tube of  cream, which has been really effective, I have to say.So, after another €9.00 Menu del Dia – Oxtail, salad, rice pudding ( mmmm ) , vino tinto, good night from me. Hopefully, not too many Springs to traverse, tomorrow. Just the snapping calls , from the bills of the Storks, in abundance here, nesting on towers, electricity pylons, anywhere with a vantage point.












2 Responses to “” The rain in Spain stays mainly over us…””

  1. Roger Ward 22/04/2016 at 19:42 #

    It all looks a bit grey, John. Hope the sun is with you soon. Buen Camino to you and Mac

    Cheers Rog

    • ensuitepilgrim 22/04/2016 at 20:24 #

      Hola Roger

      Despite it all, with the help of Google Earth, have managed to keep our feet dry ; sunnier weather at the W/end.

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