Spring ? Time spent since South Africa.

1 Mar


Well, had one of those ” your stats are booming” type messages from WordPress this morning, which, occurring on 1st March and my first walk with fully laden rucksack, as preparation for next month’s Camino, prompted me in to writing this Post.

I shall not try to be too rigorous in relating events ( such as they were ) , too chronologically , but focus on themes of Family, Camino and anything that strikes me, as I go.

Perhaps, most topically, is Cameron’s decision to call a Referendum, in June, on the UK’s place ( or not ), in Europe. I believe it would be disastrous for us, as a liberal democracy to leave Europe; economic reasons apart, it would allow the Tories un restrained abuse of powers, concerning our civil liberties. I have to include a cartoon from The Observer, as it brilliantly captures the Brexit ” raison d’etre”; must omit mention of their back-up crew of Farage and Galloway….GHU. And as for Trump!

No more politics, till the next time. Great distraction and pleasure, in being with the grandchildren, both here and in Berkhamsted. Vickee, who returns to work, later this month , at the end of her maternity leave, bemoaned how quickly Martha was growing and demonstrating her own , endearing personality traits. Who would not miss her?


Lots of great times with her brother, Jude and cousins, Tom and Jake.


imageimageHave joined a couple of informative, Facebook groups to do with my old grammar school, St Phillip’s and a Motorhome travel group. A problem I find with these pages and which never ceases to irritate, is sloppy spelling and grammar. I even had a “post” pulled because I pointed out an a use of the apostrophe ….


Found Facebook to be of great help in spreading the word about the fund-raiding evening, I am organising at the Spotted Dog, Alcester St, Digbeth,on Saturday, 9th April; it is for Cancer Research and features a presentation on what a Camino is, or could be, followed by music and chaos!



It has astonished me and also made me envious, of how many motorhomers are over- wintering in Spain & Portugal; Blue skies and sea views. Notwithstanding that, I took St David’s Day as my starting point to take Camino preparation to the next level. I have been walking fairly regularly, including South Africa, since December. But March 1st meant carrying the rucksack , with 10kg weights, for the first time in five months. I  aim to get at least a 100 miles done, albeit in 6 – 8 mile bursts, before we leave for Madrid and Caceres on April 17 th. Feel fine after today’s 7 miles. Am reminded that one of the weights in the rucksack, literally, is a set of Small Dumbbells, still boxed; anyone wanting these? Small donation to my JustGiving Page ! You can still donate and not have them! The total donated so far is £ 536.71 and I am really grateful to everyone for their support, so far; I am aiming for £ 1000.00 by April 9th .image

Finally, I received a request from Holy Family Catholic Primary School, ( my last headship ), to take part in their Vocations Week, in June. My vocation as a teacher ; it has got me pondering, I can tell you. Not about taking part, of course, I was flattered and pleased to do that, but recalling those critical decisions , nearly fifty years on…..







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