The Drive Through the Karoo

10 Jan

imageIt’s along drive from Stellenbosch to Mooiplaas Guest House and we took the Mountain route, via Worcester. It was two hours befor we foojnd a truck stop and farm shop, for coffee.The scenery was fascinating…for the passengers and driving conditions were good; Lorry  and slower  vehicles, pulled over to the left, to allow you to overtake. Some of the place names reminded you of the British rule, Wellington, Robertson,Prince Albert Road.At Laingsburg, we turned off the N 1 and following a dusty, gravel road, through the Towerkop Nature Reserve ( stunning canyons ),over the Huis River and after a few ” diversions”, made it to Mooiplaas.

We were greeted at the entrance by an indignant Ostrich; there were a few about, but the other birdlife, in the grounds was more varied and entertaining to observe, from our patio, in this scenically appointed guest house. A wide ranging vista stretched across the horizon, and it was enough to relax by their pool, before….Homemade soup and BBQ’D Ostrich steak, for dinner. A bottle of Pinotage, from the Mandela Estate,followed  by complimentary glasses of Port.They make Brandy  and Port in this far , eastern edge of the wine country. Another excellent stopover, for one night, before an hour or so’s fried, to ” Wilderness”;now that does sound enticing…

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