Two weeks back…

15 May

A fortnight since return and have not been on a single walk! Unless you count a stroll along Kings Heath High Street, as a walk, though it was a profitable one because I bought some new walking boots, quite by chance.

I had worn a hole in the heel of one of my current boots; Timpson’s said it was repairable but at a cost approximate to a new pair of boots ; my Hight Street stroll brought me to Oswald Bailey’s , where there was a pre- makeover sale taking place.And there, on the Sales rack was a pair of boots, my size, at exactly the price Timpson’s had quoted for a repair ! 

Cheered me up after the disastrous Election result and post-Camino blues.But what cheered all of us up miles, was the birth of granddaughter Martha, to Vickee and Tom. 


Both very well and feeding times have settled down a little,apparently.Her elder brother,Jude, seems has been very loving and with Dad on paternity leave, has plenty to distract him.

Despite not walking, Ihave been busy at the allotment, hoeing and planting out – several sessions down there – and various garden jobs, both at home & at Tom & Vickee’s.May is both a busy and beautiful month. for The Watersons singing “Hal en Tow” – Folk  Clubs as I remember them!
And with Summer comes the promise of Cricket and following England’ s ( mis ) fortunes, not forgetting Warwickshire.Looking forward to our day at the Test Match,England versus Australia, at the end of July.

Health wise, nothing amiss and no problems on the Camino; awaiting annual review appointment.

Apart from the Test Match, there are other activities inthe pipeline:-

A tour of Croatia & Slovenia in the Motorhome is planned for July.

Another Camino, The Ingles from Ferrol to Santiago de Compostella, is planned for September; all welcome as it is a relatively short walk  of 110 Km, but it qualifies you, being over 100Km, for a Compostella on arrival at Santiago. 


Most Peleginos regard this as a treasured Souvenir.

Mac And I are  planning Etape II of the Via de la Plata, for next Spring.

As a family, Barbara, Hannah and I are planning a fortnight in South Africa,from January 1st 2016.

And at some point, I shall have to find the time  to break in those  new boots!

Hope everyone has a good Summer.

One Response to “Two weeks back…”

  1. Neil Marsh 15/05/2015 at 08:50 #

    CoNgratularions on the birth of Martha. I like reading your blogs. When do you have time to relax??? Maybe see you you down at Edgbaston sometime. Went to see the Worcestershire match for three days. Regards to all at home. Neil

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