Archive | February, 2015

Days two and Three,Oporto

18 Feb

This sculpture greets you as you leave Sao Bento Metro, and walk up the hill to the Cathedral
There is evidence of neglect in this area,lack,of civic money,perhaps,given the current financial problems,but the washing lines,tumble down edges of buildings,enhance the domination of the Se – Porto’s Cathedral – it is authentic.No Vatican-Papal fussiness,nor Wesminster security.Untroubled , welcoming and relaxing

That would not have been the case for those pilloried in the square,centuries ago.

Walking down this ancient lane,behind the Cathedral.

Unfortunately,Our Lady had just popped out for the day,nevertheless our good fortune took us to coffee on the Cais de Ribeira,respite before a recommended visit to Igreja de San Francisco.
The Igreja de São Francisco is the most prominent Gothic monument in Porto, Portugal, being also noted for its outstanding Baroque inner decoration. It is located in the historic centre of the city, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is a Museum now,rather than a parish church.


DSCF1070it also contains ancient,burial sites,including an ossuary.
The authorities banned in – church burials since 1866.

After lunch,a tram trip along the estuary,where we watched some awesome breakers, rolling in….


A fishing boat surrounded by avaricious gulls.

We parted company,back in town and I went to view the history of Portugal,as depicted in the tiles of the Estaco de Sao Bento.
( any excuse to look at trains!)


DSCF1084You can buy any number of “Open Top Bus” tours, but the Andante ticket for three days’ travel on metro and train, was brilliant value.
The Casa de Musica, few stops on the Metro.
The Monumento aos Heroism de Guerra de Penninsular


Later,an Aperitif of Porto Branco,followed by a Fish feast in the Ribeira.
The following morning was largely taken up by a trip on the Cable Car,from the Jardim de Moro down to the Quayside.




DSCF1105Shrove Tuesday is a Festive occasion in Porto,children in fancy dress and we blessed with glorious sunshine,coffee on the Avenue Ramos Pinto.


Final stroll back long the riverbank,admiring the old Rabelos,moored alongside.


Lunch then Metro to the Airport.
A unique city,hospitable and friendly people,without exception.
We’ll be back; got to fit that boat trip in,


Ola Porto 15 – 17th February

17 Feb

Short break in Porto,with Barbara & Hannah.
However,up until the day before departure,there was some doubt about whether I should be fit enough to travel.
Since the removal of the Stents inserted into my kidneys,last month,I had been troubled with bouts of fatigue, shivering and the like.
A self administered course of anti- Biotics seemed to do the trick.
Ironically, the morning of departure found me feeling the best in myself,for a month.
A smooth flight and easy transfer to the City,using Porto’s excellent Metro system.
We alighted at Sao Bento and walked downhill to the apartment in the old part of the city – unless you are on the banks of the Douro,you are usually going up or down a hill – opposite the Igreja San Francisco.
View from the apartment:-

We walked through the Ribeira,in the direction of the wonderful Ponte de D.Luis I; accosted en route , by two ladies,one of whom recognised me from my time as Headteacher at Holy Family School,she taught at St Bernadette’s.Both were sampling Port wine; a very good idea!

We took the Funicular, rather than the “Escadas” and walked across the bridge ,to the Gaia area.

Great views.

Eventually, we found ourselves at the Croft Port Lodge and signed up for a tour and a tasting.
Wonderful ambience and a delightful guide; no hard sell which was just as well, for you would be spoilt for choice.

A glass of a mere five years’old vintage!

We walked along the Cais de Gaia and settled in to a popular little bar,called:-

We traversed the Douro again,this time on the lower bridge and found what was to be an excellent restaurant,”Chez Lapin”- featuring a live rabbit in a hutch outside.
Needless to say,Han and I had Roast Rabbit,which was sumptuous and such a large portion,that we brought enough back for lunch,next day.
