January 19 th Nephrostomy Procedure

19 Jan


Just like that!
The only discomfort I felt was the application of ice-cold gel to my back, before the procedure; I was cheerily informed by the staff nurse- I apologised for my strangulated intake of breath.
Every care was taken by the team, everything explained by a very caring and competent staff, in the Angiography Unit.
The consultant radiologist explained to me that the procedure had been both very necessary and a success.
After recovering from the mild sedation, back in the suite,the nurse explained that I had two Urostomy – like bags attached to my lower back, to collect the urine.
These would remain intact and in place for a week,when they would be removed, stitches,too.
The nurse then appeared with two similar bags which were connected to the fixed bags by hose, attached to my legs by extension,enabling me to empty the contents as necessary.
Like walking around with two , low-slung gun holsters!
Four bags now, in addition to my original Urostomy, which for now, seems to be by- passed by new additions.
For the last six months, bedtime has become a familiar routine; attach my bag to a purpose designed ” overnight bag”, which is duly emptied and rinsed every morning – this can contain a night’s worth of up to a litre- too much detail!
However, my new, additional bags only have a 600 mill. capacity.
Logistics would suggest two overnight bags in addition to the regular bag!

Thank goodness it is only for a week.


No big walks this week,exercise probably limited to cooking dinner.
However, can drive from tomorrow; Berkhamsted on Friday.


One Response to “January 19 th Nephrostomy Procedure”

  1. Dwrmot Winston 19/01/2015 at 19:45 #

    Excellent! Now look forward to your next Camino. Derm


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