Archive | December, 2014

Final Day,Bratislava,02/12/14

3 Dec

Rain has abated.
Number 93 into town,alighting near the Castle, which dominates the city.
After a climb through old lanes and up several flights of steps,the entrance was found and tickets purchased , with a discount for the venerable!
An ancient site, but at its most resplendent during the reign of Maria Theresa.Unfortunately, her taste was not shared by her successors and the castle became neglected and finally burned down in the19th Century.
Latterly it has been faithfully rebuilt and is home to galleries, music hall and governmental facilities.


There is also a permanent exhibition of Slovak in involvement in the First World War.
The views, even on a murky day like this are breathtaking.

DSCF1020.JPGThe next stage of today’s tour was to descend to the Danube and after a lengthy walk along its banks, take a tram ride, along a tunnel under the castle,back to the Old Town.

A further walk across the city to the EUROVEA GALLERIA part of the state of-the-art multi-functional city quarter EUROVEA which is located on a prime riverside location adjacent to Bratislava’s historical centre.

IMG_2640.JPGJumping on a bus, the Christmas Market was in full swing.


DSCF1036-0.JPGNow time for an early dinner


IMG_2626.JPGUneventful flight home.
We enjoyed the trip immensely,despite the damp at times.
Friendly people,especially the young; older folks a little more reserved.
Great transport systems,including bus, term and trolley bus integrated services.
The Christmas a Market was in proportion to the settings, no overkill, or blagging about being the biggest or best.Hardly an inflated Santa in sight.
We always felt safe,; no exaggerated police presence, anywhere.
Good value for money,especially beer, local wines ( wish they exported here) and hearty food.
It has kindled the prospect of a lengthier tour, in the future.
It is a Cafe Culture City – must be wonderful,sitting outdoors, with such a choice of settings – the coffee is pretty good,too.


1st December 2014,Bratislava

1 Dec

I cannot imagine a BBC or Sky News Team lighting the first Advent Candle, during a Live broadcast.But this was the case, here; a reminder that over 80% of Slovakians give their allegiance to the church.


A very wet morning, as forecast.
What should have been a short, bus ride in to Town, turned into a ” Should Have Gone to Specsavers'” scenario, as we missed our stop ( blame steamy windows ) and I suddenly noticed we were speeding across the Danube.
On the Novy Most Bridge!
We alighted ASAP , by a Shopping Mall, on a dual carriageway.
Using a number of pedestrian subways, we returned to a bus stop, where we caught the next bus back across the bridge – joys of independent travel.

Met up with Hannah in the Tourist Office, where she was changing in to a new pair of boots, bought locally; very pleased she was, too, if rather damp.
We took refuge in a wonderful, Viennese style Coffee establishment,” Cafe Mayer”.

Hannah insisted we try the gateaux.

Both coffee and gateaux tasted as good as they looked.
Returning from the Loo, I was taken by this Christmas decoration of their old Well.


Still raining,I took pity on this gentleman and lent him my brolly.

We made our way to St Martin ‘s Cathedral, where Mass was being concelebrated by three priests; it is a three aisles church, originating in the 13th Century.Eleven Hungarian kings had been crowned here,reflecting a little of the chaotic history of the Slovak Republic.
Late Gothic vaulting by Puchspaum and sculpting by the Austrian master,Donner.



We then walked through tiny, cobbled streets across to the Museum of Jewish Culture, where there is a sobering account of the fate of the majority of the longstanding Jewish community, prior to and during the Second World War.

Hannah went back to the hotel and we had Falafel kebabs for a light lunch,
opposite Kostol Trinitarov Church.
After which , the mid afternoon appeal of a warm, dry hotel proved too much and we even managed to alight at the right stop?
