Minor surgery – 06/10/2014

6 Oct

Arrived at Good Hope Hospital, Main X-Ray Dept; at 07.45.
By 09.20, I was robed and ready for the removal of the tiny filter in my Jugular vein; the procedure was to be the exact reversal of its implant, in the early summer.
It’s job was to reduce the possibility of any clot making its way to the brain, after a tiny Embolism had been found on the edge of my right lung.

Excellent care, as always, despite having to respond to the same sets of questions, three times!

I was given a local anaesthetic in theatre and in 25 minutes the job was done.
Two hours “Recovery time” – tea and welcome sandwich, provided.

Hannah picked me up and I was back home for Midday, with just a dressing on my neck.
I have to keep,up Cexlane injections, plus 4 mg Warfarin until my next appointment on 13 th October.

I look back, now on two years of health related issues, needing hospital treatment and while I hope that is the end of them; I acknowledge how fortunate I have been to have received such quality of NHS care and the loving support of my family and friends.


One Response to “Minor surgery – 06/10/2014”

  1. Dermot 06/10/2014 at 18:57 #

    Glad all has gone well

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