Archive | October, 2014

A Walk in Sutton Park – 21st October

21 Oct

What a difference a fortnight makes….not to mention some strong anti- Biotics.
Despite the threat of the aftermath of Hurricane Gonzalo, there looked to be a 4-hour rain free window this morning; boots, rainproof, hat and I-Pod – all the kit needed for a walk in the park.


Yesterday was taken up mainly with two hospital appointments.
First with my consultant who spent a good amount of time with us,including an examination of my bits!
All present and correct,apparently, so not due to see him again until next July, which would be a year on from the surgery.
We did ask him about the Warfarin – he is going to set up an appointment with a Haematologist – because it does inhibit certain things,for example, taking anti- inflammatories, which can be helpful at times.
I have a Scan to look forward to, soon, which we hope will show whether the small primary embolism has dissolved – this is a normal , post cancer operation procedure.
The second appointment, later in the day, was at the Anti-coagulant clinic; a quick procedure and a fortnight till next check- up.

And so, gratefully, back to the walk in the Park:-

“I like to walk alone on country paths,
rice plants and wild grasses on both sides,
putting each foot down on the earth
in mindfulness, knowing
that I walk on the wondrous earth.
In such moments, existence is a miraculous
and mysterious reality.

People usually consider walking on water
or in thin air a miracle.
But I think the real miracle
is not to walk either on water or in thin air,
but to walk on earth.
Every day we are engaged in a miracle
which we don’t even recognize:
a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves,
the black, curious eyes of a child–
our own two eyes.
All is a miracle.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, “Miracle of Mindfulness”

Sheer pleasure in simple things, like a pain free walk- inflammatory free!
I seemed to be screened from the strong winds for the most part,especially walking up and above Banners Gate, for a long time one of my training runs, but now I have time to take in the views.


Just a few dog walkers, no bikes, thank God and a good soundtrack of recently acquired music:- Lucinda Williams, Deer Tick, Danny and The Champions of the World….

I planned to have a coffee at the Sutton Park Carvery Pub, by Town Gate; always good service in a friendly environment.
Checked Walkmeter App. to find I had managed 6 miles.
Still sunny as I walked to the town centre to take the bus home.

Thanks to everyone for their continued good wishes.

What Was I Thinking?

8 Oct

The day after my neck surgery, Tuesday,7 th,I woke up with a persistent ache in my right handside,Kidney region; this had been lurking there for a few days, giving me a shot of pain every time I stood up.I just put it down to indigestion/ occasional constipation problems.
However,I took some Paracetomol and the ache abated for a time.
Feeling listless I remained in bed till midday.
More Paracetomol. Got up, light lunch, did some ironing, then felt ” not right”. So back to bed, where I got the dreaded ” Shivers” and piled on covers, halogen heater etc; to try and get warm. Then a bout of retching.
I immediately linked this to Monday’s surgery on my neck, though there was no pain, nor discolouration around that area.
A second bout occurred.Barbara rang the Badger Service ,where we were advised to go to A & E, at Good Hope Hospital.
Hannah drove us there and we were soon seen by a nurse, to collect basic details, then the doctor ( who worked at our local practice).
The urine sample I had provided earlier, indicated an infection, similar to those in August.I was prescribed Ciprofloxacin and having dropped us off, Han went to the late night Boots, to collect the prescription.
I took more Paracetomol.The dr had advised us not to add more layers when suffering one of these temperature spikes.
I took my first Anti-Biotic and went to sleep, realising two things:-
This as not directly related to the previous day’s surgery – coincidental.
Despite the shivers, the pain in my right hand side had gone.

However,at. 2.30 am, I woke up feeling shivery and retching, this soon developed in to a full blown attack.Barbara, nursed me through it with Paracetomol and reassurances! It took quite some time to subside, but eventually we got back to sleep.
Wednesday morning, later than usual, woke up feeling thirsty but fine.
Doses of medication and I even felt like eating.
It’s almost noon and everything is equable….for how long?


Minor surgery – 06/10/2014

6 Oct

Arrived at Good Hope Hospital, Main X-Ray Dept; at 07.45.
By 09.20, I was robed and ready for the removal of the tiny filter in my Jugular vein; the procedure was to be the exact reversal of its implant, in the early summer.
It’s job was to reduce the possibility of any clot making its way to the brain, after a tiny Embolism had been found on the edge of my right lung.

Excellent care, as always, despite having to respond to the same sets of questions, three times!

I was given a local anaesthetic in theatre and in 25 minutes the job was done.
Two hours “Recovery time” – tea and welcome sandwich, provided.

Hannah picked me up and I was back home for Midday, with just a dressing on my neck.
I have to keep,up Cexlane injections, plus 4 mg Warfarin until my next appointment on 13 th October.

I look back, now on two years of health related issues, needing hospital treatment and while I hope that is the end of them; I acknowledge how fortunate I have been to have received such quality of NHS care and the loving support of my family and friends.


Health and Fitness Update October 2014

1 Oct

Returned from sojourn in the “Bus”, to the reality of hospital appointments and complicated arrangements around Wafarin and Clexane injections.
Two appointments, back to back, Monday & Tuesday.
Reduction in Warfarin dose, because of surgery on 6 th October,Clexane only , from 2nd October; Warfarin AND Clexane after the Op.until next appointment on 13 th October.
The surgery on Monday 6 th is to remove the Filter in my neck,which was inserted earlier in the Summer , to prevent the possibility of a blood clot,fears for which were aroused by the discovery of a small primary embolism, after a CT Scan. Hope it’s dissolved, evaporated, whatever!

Some confusion around meeting with my consultant, which he stated would be 3 months from the surgery on July 3 rd; having rung his secretary to be told that the only appt. She had was for 29 th December – that would be almost 6 months after surgery.
To increase my fitness, I have restarted walking, locally, with four miles along the Newhall Valley on Tuesday 1st October.
Then a 2 1/2 hour “weeding” session at the allotment, on Wednesday 2nd.
Gathered some Strawberries – never experienced that before – must be the result of a long, dry, warm September.
Leg as and knees OK but my back aches!
Still, walk on….
