Road Trip to France and… 14/09/2014

15 Sep

Left Vesey Road at 3A M,arrived at Eurotunnel , Folkestone in plenty of time for the 07.20 crossing.
Quick nap in the back, during the 35 minute journey and were en route; there were actually some blue clouds over Coquelles.
Coffee stop in the Somme Valley and then a good journey for the rest of the day brought us to Amboise in the Loire Valley.a journey of 340 miles,add that to a 190 miles in the UK; twas like the old days!
No back pain and no pain killers.

The campsite is situated on a large island in the Loire River, with easy access to the town and the imposing Chateau, opposite the campsite.


There was a terrace bar adjacent to the site where we enjoyed a Glass of Jupiter in temperature of 26 degrees.

Ready cooked meal defrosted, from home, and a relatively early night.

Monday, 15 th. Blue skies and a walk around Amboise’s medieval streets.
Having visited a number of Loire Chateaux, over the years,I tend to opt out of visits – memories of large, dusty rooms and numerous tapestries, an Art form wasted on me.
Being Monday,all the shops were closed except a Mini Carrefour, which was a life saver.
An afternoon of sheer idleness, dozing in the sun.

Most striking feature of this very pleasant campsite,were the number of state of the art Motorhomes – more like a show ground than a campsite.
If I had 70.000. € spare I should have been spoilt or choice between a Hobby, a Cathargo Chic, several Burstners…..which will not mean a lot, unless you ‘re an aficionado, or a sad…..! Like me.

This is our down to earth, little Autotrail Excel.


Tomorrow, en route to Fouras, a little village on the Atlantic, near La Rochelle; about a three hour drive, South West.

Have to finish as it is time for a beer and to fire up the griddle – all those Carrefour treats.
Bon Appetit!

One Response to “Road Trip to France and… 14/09/2014”

  1. Dermot Winston 15/09/2014 at 18:04 #

    That Autotrail Excel looks familiar. Enjoy.

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