Archive | September, 2014

San Sebastian and Bordeaux.

27 Sep

On the afternoon, after arriving at the Igueldo Campsite, we just sunbathed and discussed the possibilities for dinner.
We walked a KM to Igueldo Village and chose a restaurant that was peopled by locals; proved to b a good choice, with a helpful waitress digging out an English translation of the menu.

The next two days were taken up by visiting San Sebastián, or Donostia to give the Basque name.
Taking coffee near the market:-

We chanced upon a wedding where a band , rather incongruously, played British military tunes to greet the bride.

SS has a beautiful beach, La Concha, and a harbour.

After a Pintxos lunch, time to get the bus back up the hill.

Hannah, in the meantime, had met some Spanish campers on the site, who owned a Finca in the Canary Islands; they invited us to help,ourselves to fruit and veg, they had brought with them .
It can only happen when you are camping!

Sunday saw us doing more sight seeing,
Summed up in this great, little poster:-

Our day was completed with a Pintxos and Txakoli dinner.
Txakoli or Chacolí is a slightly sparkling, very dry white wine with high acidity and low alcohol content produced in the Spanish provinces of the Basque Country, …enough said.
San Sebastián was a treat in every sense and the weather continued to bless us.

Next stop Bordeaux,Unesco Heritage Site, a city driven by on many a summers’ holiday.
Easy drive from S S to BX, thought the Landes forest and the Snooper Sat Nav, which has the details of thousands of campsites delivered us to the lakeside campsite, via the Rocade (BX Ring road ).
BBQ for dinner after a lazy afternoon.
Next day, took bus from outside the site , then a Tram, to the heart of the city.
Really useful, if complicated city plan from the tourist office, was our guide; Barbara having far more patience than me!
We walked the best part of eight miles; some of the Sights:-




Another feature,The “Miroir d’Eau” is less than 10 years old, but located just across from a monument nearly 3 centuries old, it has become one of the city’s main attractions.


I think they call this a “Trompe L’oeil” – An English Jag in a car park!


Another collision of two cultures?

And finally something more cultured, The Girondins Fountain.


We reluctantly made our way home with an overnight stop in the little Loir region – a fortnight in which we drove 1900 miles approximately,1500 in France and Spain – a great trip to great places.
Ps some of the photos are out of sequence, I not out of order!

Fouras – Charente Maritime ; San Sebastián ,Basque Region 22/09 2014

23 Sep

Barbara pulled Fouras out of the hat, as we researched the next stop.
On the Atlantic coast, just below La Rochelle.

A lovely campsite,15 mins walk from the town.
A surprising feature of this area was the number of Hollyhocks, growing indiscriminately along pavements, in gardens and in crevices.
My favourite Cottage Garden flower- hit and miss in my garden, maybe I need to add some sand to the soil!

The town had two wonderful markets, one specifically for fish and Oysters, which are largely farmed here.
Had fish BBQ, first night.

There is a fort and lot of walks – the casino. In the Bois Vert, brought many visitors by Train , in the 19 th Century; no trace of it now, although the setting is very peaceful.

Enjoyed Fouras, two super beaches,too.

Then, after three days , it was time to move South to San Sebastián.
250 miles approx.

Easy drive along the Autoroute d ‘ Oiseaux, then the N 10/A 63 around Bordeaux and through the Landes Forest.
I have driven this way so many times in the last 40 years.
Made chunks of it Peage- not too expensive.
Good journey, driving through Central S S , thankfully during Siesta, on and up a 5 KM hill- Mount Igueldo, to the campsite.
The weather continue to be bountiful; worth the scouring of websites!
Beach at Fouras.


Will update on San Sebastián, shortly; health wise, all good, no pain killers ,plus plenty of walking!

Road Trip to France and… 14/09/2014

15 Sep

Left Vesey Road at 3A M,arrived at Eurotunnel , Folkestone in plenty of time for the 07.20 crossing.
Quick nap in the back, during the 35 minute journey and were en route; there were actually some blue clouds over Coquelles.
Coffee stop in the Somme Valley and then a good journey for the rest of the day brought us to Amboise in the Loire Valley.a journey of 340 miles,add that to a 190 miles in the UK; twas like the old days!
No back pain and no pain killers.

The campsite is situated on a large island in the Loire River, with easy access to the town and the imposing Chateau, opposite the campsite.


There was a terrace bar adjacent to the site where we enjoyed a Glass of Jupiter in temperature of 26 degrees.

Ready cooked meal defrosted, from home, and a relatively early night.

Monday, 15 th. Blue skies and a walk around Amboise’s medieval streets.
Having visited a number of Loire Chateaux, over the years,I tend to opt out of visits – memories of large, dusty rooms and numerous tapestries, an Art form wasted on me.
Being Monday,all the shops were closed except a Mini Carrefour, which was a life saver.
An afternoon of sheer idleness, dozing in the sun.

Most striking feature of this very pleasant campsite,were the number of state of the art Motorhomes – more like a show ground than a campsite.
If I had 70.000. € spare I should have been spoilt or choice between a Hobby, a Cathargo Chic, several Burstners…..which will not mean a lot, unless you ‘re an aficionado, or a sad…..! Like me.

This is our down to earth, little Autotrail Excel.


Tomorrow, en route to Fouras, a little village on the Atlantic, near La Rochelle; about a three hour drive, South West.

Have to finish as it is time for a beer and to fire up the griddle – all those Carrefour treats.
Bon Appetit!

Wedding Day to Remember – 12/09/2014

13 Sep

After a relatively easy drive down to the Great Western Hotel,Highbury; quick change into boots and suits, by taxi to nearby Stoke Newington Town Hall and the Rose and Crown Pub, by twelve noon.

After a refreshing ” Sharpener” we took our places in the auditorium, in the town hall.The civil ceremony was presided over with cordiality.After the exchange of vows and rings, between Jessica and Jack,senior members of Jessica”s family gathered together to sing “Dancing Day”, beautiful acoustics, too.This song has been performed at the family’s weddings for forty years.


The bride and groom leaving the town hall , for nearby Clissold Park, where drinks were served to soften the pain of photos!
Beautiful weather and setting.

We were then directed to the Wedding venue, which was located in a restored, enormous boiler room – more like a hall – which overlooked the local reservoir,adjacent to boating facilities.

Here follow pictures of the exterior and interior of the West Reservoir Centre.



Extremely enjoyable meal, funny speeches and very attentive drinks waiters
made it a very convivial feast.
Time passed so quickly – a Tug of War on the jetty – a live band was soon performing and by 9 pm trays of hot pork rolls appeared and were enjoyed by all.

I managed a couple of dances,having been cajoled on to the floor by the strains of Spencer Davis’s ” Keep On Running”.

Celebrations were scheduled to finish at 1 am, which is great if like the majority of guests you are in your early thirties!

My legs began to run out by about 11.30 pm, so farewells and thanks were bid and a taxi ride was swiftly arranged, back to the hotel.

We had a wonderful day and I was particularly pleased that ,counting the drive down to London of 119 miles, I kept going for such a long time.

Home by 11am, next day and then preparing the Bus for the trip over to
France! 07.20 by Eurotunnel.

I was really cheered by the fact that the weather forecasts had not only improved since Thursday, but there was also concurrence between websites!


Adieu for the present.


Next Journeys….10/09/2014,Thursday

11 Sep

08.30 appointment at the Anti-Coagulant Clinic, today.
Taking Warfarin means regular visits until the blood count stabilises, in my case between 2.00. – 3.00.
A month,today, on I hit a stable 2.00 – significant enough to be given a fortnight off attendance at the clinic to take a fortnight’s break.More later.

In the meantime, attendance tomorrow at a wedding in Stoke Newington.
Daughter of close friends to be wed.
I did make a contribution to the celebrations already , by collecting rose petals from far and near – organic confetti! Long since delivered to the bride’s mum.
So, wedding and overnight stay in local hotel; the weather forecast ,
( more about those in a minute ) , looks really good and bearing mind some of the arrangements ,eg Canapés and drinks in nearby park, that bodes well for a great day.
The fortnight break begins Sunday AM, driving down to Folkestone for Eurotunnel 7.20 am crossing.

Weather forecasts ……Well I despair!

If you imagine Paris as the centre of a Geographic clock….come on it’s easy!
Then you could place Luxembourg at Midday.
North Eastern France at 14.00
Lyon at 16.00
Montpellier at 18.00
Toulouse at 20.00
San Sebastián ( N W Spain) at 01.00

These are all on the radar, not to mention Bavaria and Lake Garda.

Still with me?

Well, I spent hours researching weather forecast sites, for short and long term weather prospects …there was little in the way of concordat.
For example, BBC and Weather Accururist, both of which are highly placed on Google, contradict each other with the only kind of consistency I could find!

So, as I write this up at 21 .00, Thursday evening, no final decision but for a possible drop down to Amboise , in the Loire Valley, for starters.

Out of desperation I researched a weather forecast App.
Best recommended was, I am not joking, “Dark Sky”!

Given my mood earlier , it was a must buy.

So many roads, which one to choose?

“Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” –Henry David Thoreau

For ” legs” read Motorhome….

A bientot.

