Holy Week “Chemo “

16 Apr

Wednesday 16 th March

I share this beautiful quotation by Carlos Castaneda from The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge so others can be inspired. My hope is you will share the words that move your heart, your feet, and your spirit along The Way.

“For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length–and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly.”

Not too breathlessly, I hope.

The day began very promptly, but the nurse explained that a blood test was required – I explained that I had a test two days previously; she informed me that the test had indicated a lowering in the platelets,ie, the bone marrow was struggling slightly, and that might mean a postponement of today’s treatment.
As I ‘m doing this post “live” , so to speak, I ponder the knock-on effects of a postponement.It emphasises the fact that it is very difficult to make arrangements, whether for a brief holiday, or a concert, engaging with relatives & friends…
A plan was scuppered yesterday, after a call from the Hospital to book me in for a Scan on May 16th!

Senior Nurse just came across to tell me they are going ahead.
Good news, bad news…
“Good” – no prolonging the treatment.
“Bad” – missing a gloriously , sunny day,outside, the only view of which is partially blocked by a tree I loathe – Lleylandi.

Whilst I wait for the current Saline solution to drip through,I thought I should share the quotation, sent to me by the wonderful, Holy Family School Staff:-


“Cancer is so limited….
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It. Cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit”


And so now at 10.00, treatment proceeds hiccup- free!

Hannah insisted I borrow her I-Pad, today, in order to pas some time watching a Movie, ( I don’t use mine for film or video ).

I chose “blind” and found myself watching “DJango “, a Quentin Tarantino film.
No danger of falling asleep whilst watching this !
Set in pre civil war, Southern USA; it follows the unlikely ( understatement) partnership of a Black slave and a German , self- style Dr, who is actually a Bounty Hunter.
Not the sort of film I should be buying my popcorn for.
Blood, guts, bullets,dynamite and four letter words abound, but the dialogue is great.
The soundtrack was uneven: atmospheric in places, two Turkeys out of the “Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Riding Through the Glen” ,Songbook.

Lunch was a delicious Egg Mayonnaise & Cress sandwich on Brown bread….
Memories from over 50 years ago of smoky, railway platforms,poised with my notebook in hand; ideally, Crewe Junction….it’ s not a guilty secret!
I love steam engines to this day.

Pity the ending was even more corny than the normal Hollywood fare.
The treatment seemed to drag on this afternoon,possibly bigger dose of Chemo.
Given drugs and dates for final sessions in a fortnight; hope the platelets build up, in time.


<img src="https://ensuitepilgrim.blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140416-094043

"A Song is Anything That Can Walk By Itself" BOB DYLAN

A Happy Easter to Everyone.

We have Nelly, Dan, Tom Henry &Jake here over the holiday, then on Easter Monday, the Campervan rolls back in to action, taking us to a cousin's 70th Birthday lunch in Bridgnorth on Easter Monday, then on to Llangollen for two or three days…… Over eighteen months since last used.


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