Archive | January, 2014

2014 Preparations Begin With a Walk in the Snow.

30 Jan


Time to cast aside all prevarication…the weather, the cold, the mud, the dullness of the light, the ill health issues… And walk.

Thursday 30 th January, 2014.

With only just over three months until the next Caminho, which begins in Seville, in May, it is time for some training walks.

So, wearing relatively new boots and my I-pod ( no I am not the Naked  rambler ) , I won’t list other clothing, I set off for Sutton
Park, in light snow ; the first of the year, if not the Winter.

There was the cheering sight of Snowdrops and some precocious crocuses, in front gardens, as I made my way past rows of gardens.

However, the snow began to thicken and Boldmere golf course had a deserted look about it as a white dusting covered the Greens.
My plan was to cover six miles in a couple of hours.
As I reached Banners’ Gate, My usual pathway was closed because of some extensive works being carried out by Severn Trent Water.
Rather like the Caminho, I had to modify my route slightly and tramp through some boggy ground, roughly following my preferred route.
Two chocolates and a Satsuma later I was walking past the Sentinels ( a 1st World War Firing Range) and back on familiar ground.

The snow had abated by this point and I decided to head for Boldmere Gate as an exit for home.

My back ached slightly and I was reminded that unlike the Caminho, where everyday began with painkillers at breakfast, I had not taken anything prior to my walk today.

Home after 2 1/2 hours and about 7.5. Miles.

I should like to walk at least three times a week from now on, plus some light gym work.
In about three weeks, I shall begin walking with my rucksack , loaded with 10 KG.

“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and their destination.”
John Schaer


Friday 31 st January 2014

Another walk in the park, different route via Wyndley Gate, up to Hartopp around Blackroot ( resisted a visit to the Bistro ),then back home via Boldmere Gate.Drizzle as forecast for the last couple of miles.

Seven miles and no aches as yet

Hannah made some wonderful soup of Chorizo, Lentils and Bacon which was gratefully consumed for lunch.

Tuesday, 4th February 2014

A walk around Walmley, Along part of the Birmingham – Fazeley Canal and then home via Pype Hayes Park; 7 1/2 miles altogether, in the company of my daughter, Hannah.

We enjoyed blue skies and sunshine.A pity we couldn’t find somewhere for coffee on the way!

Thursday 6th February 2014

Six and a half miles before driving down to Berkhamsted, with a car load of baby gear,to my son Daniel’s house; he and Ellie expecting their second baby next month.

I walked along Wylde a Green Road, across Walmley, on to Minworth, then along the canal, before cutting back through Pype Hayes Park and along Chester Road.
I-Pod on ” Shuffle” and I still continue to hear songs I forgot that I had!

Sunday 9th February 2014

Six miles this morning, mainly along the Newhall Valley and through Pype Hayes Park.Breezy but dry and considering the recent wet weather, the footpaths were in good order.

Monday 10th February 2014

Seven miles this morning, taking in a little shopping in Sutton Town Centre,
Up the hill and slope along Lichfield Rd, past Four Oaks Station, to Mere Green.
Found a Wetherspoons – new one- alongside the car park.

Have to give it a try,see if they keep the Ale as well as The a Bottle of Sack!
Some showers on return route, down Anchorage Rd and up past Wyndley Pool.
