Walk Don’t Run

3 Dec

Went for a seven mile walk along the Birmingham – Wolverhampton Canal,setting out from Brindley Place, after coffee at our amazing, new Reference Library.
The route took in a couple of Aqueducts, Industrial history as in the Galton Valley,Smethwick,several sightings of Grey Herons.
This would not appeal to everyone; at times you are close to the railway and later the canal is straddled by columns supporting the M6Motorway,however, names like Brindley, Watt and Avery remind you of the pioneering and revolutionary industrial enterprise for which the Midlands is not always accredited.

Took the Train back from Galton Bridge to Moor St Station.
Longest Walk I have done since the last Caminho – hugely enjoyable.No after effects, either!



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