CHOICES to be made for next year’s Caminho.

14 Oct

Which Caminho in 2014?

At present, it would seem to rest between a section of the Salabres or a lesser known option, the Route of the Sea of Arousa and the River Ulla.I discovered the latter whilst browsing in the library in the Redondela Albergue. It is described in a booklet, produced by the Xunta de Galicia in 2010. It begins in the far west of Padron.
Unfortunately,I have never seen a reference to it anywhere else!
Therefore, some more research will be needed; a perfect task for Winter days to come.

There are two other issues to resolve:- First an operation on my right shoulder which is scheduled for next month and second, a niggling, little Hernia which has just announced itself.
Growing Old ain’t for wimps! However, it just makes me more determined.

Time of year needs to be determined as well.I am considering May or June and even the outside chance of a second Caminho in September.

Tuesday 15thOctober.

For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length–and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly.”
Not my creation but a perspicacious summary.
Am moving towards walking a section of the De Plata, beginning in Seville.

Just downloaded ” Walking Guide to the Via de la Plata and the Caminho Sanabres” by Gerald Kelly to my Kindle App. ( 75% cheaper than paperback on Amazon )
It looks very useful , on my first, brief look.
Will compare it with Info. On other sites like Mundicaminho.

Would need to work out where to finish the first stage and be able to get a flight back to the UK.
Possibly a bus or train to Madrid.

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