Preparations in earnest – Post holiday,Post hospital appointments!

18 May

Friday 17 th May

Yesterday, MRI on my back at the Orthopaedic hospital,on time.

Today began really well with the delivery of a package of maps and notes
from Jo**, a fellow contributor to
she cycled this way and
who kindly loaned to me,unconditionally,
Civilian maps,covering the areas through which we expect to walk
during our unmarked walk from Lisbon to Oporto,beginning the
10th June. ** ( Does that make Jo a “Bicigrina?” A Pilgrim on a Bike? )

In addition, there was included a Turinta Coast of Lisbon Map.

Thank you Jo – the spirit of the Caminho:-
” There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it”.
Charles Dudley Warner.

However, the afternoon appointment at Good Hope hospital,proved to be the beginning
of a trial,booked for two Cortisone injections to my impacted right shoulder at 1 pm,I was
eventually dealt with at 4.45 pm
I wish I had taken the maps with me; I might have mastered a great deal more information
than I gained from The Guardian crossword!


Saturday 18 th May

No reactions from injection,have to keep plaster on for two days.
Advice? Not much – keep it moving – common sense would say a couple of days,
before carrying a rucksack any distance.
So, some work at the allotment and then plan the next three weeks’ preparations…


Sunday 19 th May

AMAZON – was nearly caught out by their postage scam, this morning.
Ordered some Gel toecap protectors ( really effective last year ) and the
Postage amounted to 60% of the Total.
Their default P / P was “one day”, so I ticked the 3-5 day option and got Free postage.

I have the same ambivalent opinion of Amazon as I have of SKY SPORTS; for me, a
necessary evil! Can’ t live without the Live Sports, especially in retirement ,when I have
that extra time. And being a test match fanatic….

No weight bearing ,walking today – just work at the allotment – tomorrow,it begins again.

Monday 20 th May

Except it didn’t!

Allotment for 2 1/2 hours – weeding, digging, planting.
Must buy some weed killer for paths.

Pm visit from old friend. Evening, a drink with another old friend for an hour or so…
What happened to my resolution?
Must do better tomorrow.

Tuesday 21 st May

Thomas, eldest son’s birthday – 34! Happy birthday Tom (soon to be a dad)
Another coming of age….

On with the rucksack, to Sutton Park on a grey,dampish morning.

Clocked up 7 1/2 miles.No apparent after- effects.

Mac, fellow Caminhoist, called round for coffee to look at our maps – loan and we traced the route,
as laid down by Jo, our kindly benefactor. PS That’s Mac, not Jo.


Wednesday 22 nd May

Wrong about no after-effects; felt lethargic all morning,managed to mow the lawn,PM.

A happy birthday to my daughter- in- law,Vickee,baby due this Saturday! Great Expectations…

Decided to compile Play-list for the Caminho,instead, from a cast of thousands:-

“High On The Skyline”. THE NEW MENDICANTS ( this is not a monastic order! )
” Soul Shoes”. GRAHAM PARKER
“You Better Move On”. ARTHUR ALEXANDER
“One More Cup of Coffee”. CALEXICO & ROGERMcGOUGH
“True Love & High Adventure” GRAND DRIVE
“There Goes the Sun”. PERNICE BROTHERS
“The Lower Road. THEA GILMORE featuring JOAN BAEZ
“It Will Be a Good Day” YES
“Ends of the Earth” LORD HURON
“Everyman Needs a Companion” Fr JOHN MISTY
“Sangre de Cristo”. SCUD MOUNTAIN BOYS
“Travelling Alone”. TIFT MERRITT
“Walk Like a Giant”. NEIL YOUNG
“Mr Blue Sky”. TONY DISCONTI ( Jeff Lynne Tribute)
“Jesus is a Hobo”. CHARLIE PARR
“Down Among the Cove “. DUANE ALLMAN
“Beautiful View”. RON SEXSMITH
“Ramblin’ On My Mind”. ROBERT JOHNSON
“Crossroads”. RYAN COODER
“Pinches of Salt” ROY HARPER
“Into the Great Wide Open”. TOM PETTY
“Waterfalls”. PAUL McCARTNEY
“Ease Down the Road”. BONNIE PRINCE BILLY
“Miles from Nowhere”. CAT STEVENS
“On a Day Like This”. ELBOW
“Wide River to Cross”. LEVON HELM
“As I Roved Out”. JANE SIBERRY

Eventually, went to gym – A moderate workout and a soothing soak in the spa.
Always problems,when I am without my prescription ,Cocodamol. Nothing else seems to work.
Is this a dependency?
Anyway, collect new prescription,tomorrow . ( my fault for not renewing in time ).

Thursday 23 rd May

Unseasonable weather, coldest Spring since 1979.
Set off for Sutton Park with 3 layers under waterproof, plus, hat, gloves and brolly!

Made 7 1/2 miles again; was glad of all my warm gear.
Recuperated quite rapidly, after a coffee.

Friday 24 th May

The weather forecast indicated any rain free activity would need to take place before midday.
Given the state of the allotment , that was the priority.So,a 3 hour workout there.
Unsurprisingly, the Test Match was washed out, so odds & sods jobs , before falling into
the global moronism of the IPL play off – exciting game,Indifferent to who won or lost..

Saturday 25 th May

Sunshine.6 1/2 miles in Sutton Park,awaiting news of imminent birth of 2 nd grandchild;
Vickee in Q E Hospital.”Push, Push”, as the old Billy Fury song exhorts….

A long wait ended at 7.35, with the arrival of baby, Jude, 8 lb 11 Oz. Both mum and baby are well
and the whole family are thrilled and delighted.Rest day for all of us tomorrow!


Sunday 26 th May

Day at home with grandson,Tom Henry, Vickee’s mum, Lynne. Warm day,restful, sort of!

Monday 27 th May

A rare, sunny Bank Holiday
Saw all the family, one way or another.

Everyone was photographed with baby Jude!

3 hours, PM, at the allotment – digging over ; weeding a large , neglected patch.
Back aching at the end, but 5 minutes on couch, cup of Earl Grey, was restored.
Hannah kindly took me to the ” Horse &Jockey” for a couple of pints; last night of their
inaugural,” Real Ale” festival.Good beer and a welcome innovation.Tom, holding his son,Jude.


Tuesday 28 th May

Antithesis of a day weather wise. Set off in dismal drizzle for Sutton Park.
Managed 7 1/2 miles.Not too wet, more condensation than anything else.

Recovery is quicker and I think the 3 x daily physio exercises on right shoulder are beginning
to take some effect.
Musical accompaniment from the ariose songbook of ” Grand Drive” .

Wednesday 29 th May

Short interval in the rainfall.3 hour toil at the allotment; 2 more beds to tidy before departure on June 10th. Strawberries are looking promising- should be a bountiful harvest.
Sore back!
Soak and a steam at the gym, helped. Felt really good until I watched England’ brainless performance against the Republic of Ireland, at Wembley. Has Hodgson got a clue?

Thursday 30 th May

Interesting if, by now, self evident, short article :- … cient-Path

Went to see baby Jude, today. Champagne head-wetting – and a cuddle! Adorable boy…


Friday 31 st May

Bright sunshine. 6 1/2 mile ,fast walk in Sutton Park.
Could only be that sublime Beatles’ song:
“Please, don’t wake me, no, don’t shake me
Leave me where I am, I’m only sleeping”


Saturday 1st June

My mum’ s birthday – I treasure her memory.

Three back-aching hours’ labour at the allotment,
but it was sunny and plenty of company,too.

Sunday 2 nd June

Off to Hodnet Hall, Shropshire, for their plant festival.
The hall is not of great interest,but it’s aspect and the grounds are absolutely
magnificent – lakes, Rhododendron & Camellia Gardens,plus an array of
rare and interesting plants for sale – we couldn’t resist. Great day out.


Monday 3 rd June

To great friends,Penny & Graham , in Marlow ,for a two day visit.
Sunny weather, lunch in the garden. Walk in to town.
Drinks in the premises of a former Lloyds’ Bank – on their patio.
English summer idyll!
Hors D ‘oeuvres and then a wonderful leg of lamb, grilled on
the new BBQ.
If only we could rely on the weather. Lovely evening.

Tuesday 4 th June

Walk to lovely village where they shoot scenes from ” Midsomer Murders”.

A visit to the Parish Church,Hambleden, St. Mary the Virgin,where, inevitably, so much local
history can be traced; coffee outside the village shop that
provides many essential services. So much wealth in this part of the
country,yet local people are welcoming and ,looking at the Chiltern range
on a blessed sunny morning, reveals a totally unspoilt view, not Dysneyfied,
of rural England,
Lunch at the “Flowerpot Hotel”/Pub. Brakespears Ales / Ploughman’s Lunch.
( Although you could have braised pheasant) .A little heavy for lunchtime!

Walk back, along the Thames Towpath; taking in the preparations for the Henley Royal
Regatta. I should estimate we strolled about 5 miles overall.

Thank you Penny & Graham or 24 hours hospitality and sunshine.

Wednesday 5 th June

6 mile as along the canal Tyburn island to White Swan at Curdworth & back.
Pleasant if cooler conditions than of late.

That takes my total mileage with the rucksack to a little under a 100 miles.

Thursday 6 th June

Spent best part of an hour and a half packing and re-packing rucksack.
Weight is 6 1/2 Kg. Pleased with that.
No walking – all about catch up in garden, and rest,then allotment tomorrow!
News from one of our group that he has suffered strong back discomfort this week;
possibly jeopardising his participation. Hope this proves not to be the case.

Friday 7 th June

Allotment duties,in the sun – v.pleasant, if hard work; three hours….
A little more to accomplish over the W/End.
Garden duties, pm.

Super photo of grandson in London


Saturday 8 th June

Final weed-clearing at the allotment.
Watched England defeat Australia in the ICC, at Edgbaston – comprehensive, but lacking atmosphere.
Meal out with cousins, at The Plough, Shustoke; great pub food & good company.

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